PG Multi-Payment Service

Epos Easy payment

Epos Easy payment

▼ What is Epos Easy payment?
It is a payment method that payment shopping fees and service usage fees using the Epos Net ID registered by Epos Card members.
You can use and earn Epos points at the time of purchase.

Benefits of Epos Easy payment

  • 1. Since it is possible to purchase products with new enrollment benefits and Epos points, it contributes to increasing the number of purchases and the unit purchase price.
  • 2. You can approach active users (especially young people) utilizing the Epos customer base.
  • 3. Increase conversion rate with payment This will lead to the acquisition of new customers who are currently leaving.

Epos Easy payment Operation Flow

Flow from purchase to payment to member stores

  • Purchase information, payment number, payment completion notification… Purchase information, payment number, payment completion notification
  • payment…payment
Epos Easy payment Operation Flow
  1. Purchase
  2. payment processing (Merchant site → GMO-PG)
  3. payment processing (GMO-PG → Epos Card)
  4. Issuance of authentication information (URL) (Epos Card → GMO-PG)
  5. Credential notification
  1. Authentication screen display (Merchant site → End user)
  2. Authentication process (end user → Epos Card)
  3. payment completion notification (Epos Card → GMO-PG)
  4. payment completion notification (GMO-PG → member store site)
    * Only for using the result notification program
  5. Service delivery
  1. Deposit (Epos Card → Merchant)

Flow until service introduction

It will be available in about 4 weeks from application

Step1. Conclude a member store contract payment between your company and Epos Card (about 3 weeks)

In line with the above, we will ask the member stores about the current situation, needs and issues, and then present the optimal payment plan and quotation for our service.

Step2. Submission of PG Multi-Payment Service

After agreeing the quotation, we will inform you of the download URL for submitting the application documents. Please fill in the required items and submit the required documents from the URL.

Step3. Submit "Merchant store ID" and "Store ID" for payment

payment contract between the member store and the Epos Card, please send the issued "Member Store ID" and "Store ID" to our staff.

Step4. Account issuance / system implementation (payment by test ID)

We will issue a production account by email. Please implement according to our system specifications.

Step5. Notification of setting completion / production environment use

After completing our settings, we will notify you by email that it can be used in the production environment.

Step6. Test payment (test by the production for ID payment)

Please carry out the test with the production ID / account.

Step7. Start production operation

Precautions for Epos Easy payment

  • ・ A member store contract payment is required between your company and Epos Card. You will also need a contract to use the PG Multi-Payment Service
  • ・ To use this service, you will need the "Merchant Store ID" and "Store ID" of payment Please check with your Epos Card in advance and cooperate with us.