Interactive voice response for secure payment

IVR payment service

The IVR payment service is a service that uses an interactive voice response (IVR) to payment an order at a call center without touching credit card information.
Credit non-retention of card information can be realized for telephone orders.

*IVR payment service is an optional feature of Credit card payment

Challenges like this can be overcome.
It can be solved

  • I want to introduce payment to my service
  • I want to know the most commonly used payment method
  • I want to take security measures

Benefits of IVR payment

  • payment is possible without the operator touching the credit card information

    Reducing the risk of human information leakage

  • Enables non-retention of credit card information on the company's PCs, servers, and networks, and non-passing

    Compliant with the "Credit Card Security Guidelines for Strengthening Security Measures in Credit Card Transactions"

  • Linking with mission-critical systems through the use of APIs

    Easy linkage between order information and transaction data

  • Provision in a secure environment that complies with PCI DSS (*)

    (※) PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a global security standard for the credit card industry jointly formulated by five international credit card brands: JCB, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA.

IVR payment service flow

After receiving the power, the operator will transfer it to the IVR, and the credit card information input will start.

  1. Telephone response
    Support for receiving power from end users, order details, payment method confirmation
  2. payment data to IVR
    Enter the order information in the API-linked core system or on the IVR management screen, and the operator forwards it to the IVR.
  3. Input card information, etc.
    Push entry of card number, expiration date, Security Code
  4. Card payment execution
    authorization / card registration
  5. Return card payment
  6. Return card payment
    (Check operator results)

Main functions of IVR payment

  • Operator call back function (standard)

    After completing the card payment in the IVR payment service (interactive voice response), the customer and the operator can have a conversation. payment Talking to the customer after and then closing the conversation allows for follow-up after the card payment is completed.

  • API linkage function (standard)

    By utilizing the API linkage function, it is possible to automatically link the order information of the order system and the payment data executed payment by the IVR payment service.

Flow until service introduction

Quotation, Application Form, Presentation of Terms of UseGMO-PG

GMO-PG will provide you with an individual quotation.

Submit your application

contract You will be asked to submit the necessary documents (application form) to us.

IVR payment Service ConfigurationYour GMO-PG

The environment will be set on the condition that you have already used Credit card payment or pass the Credit card payment screening.

Provision of production environment (1st of every month / 15th of every month) GMO-PG

It will change depending on the timing of receipt of the application form and passing the credit card screening

Production Testing , Company

Using the production environment for communication testing and operator operation confirmation

Go live: Your company

Precautions for IVR payment

  • Terms of use

    To payment service, you contract PG Multi-Payment Service Credit card payment and pass the actual screening.

  • Timing of provision and billing

    The first day of production use will be twice on the 1st and 15th of each month.
    A fixed monthly fee will be charged from the date of provision of the production environment. *There is no pro-rated billing.

  • Lines (number of concurrent calls)

    5-line best effort type

  • Operating environment

    --IE 11 or later (* not applicable to Edge), Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version * Supports TLS 1.2
    --Limited to use from within Japan using telephones, PBXs, etc. that can send push signals (DTMF)
    --PBX that allows three-way calling