Identity authentication services required for card payment

EMV 3-Dセキュア


※ブランドごとに異なる名称ですが、総称して「EMV 3-Dセキュア(3Dセキュア2.0)」と呼ばれています。

Challenges like this can be overcome.
It can be solved

  • I want to take security measures

Benefits of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0)



Prevent credit card fraud by detecting fraudulent transaction risk






Reduction of password entry burden through risk-based authentication and improvement of UX to improve abandonment (cart abandonment) at the time of payment (compared to 3D Secure 1.0)

※EC事業者はEMV 3-Dセキュア(3Dセキュア2.0)を介した取引を実施したが、カード会社やカード会員側の設定対応状況により認証がかからないケース

Background to EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0)

With the expansion of non-face-to-face transactions, the damage caused by credit card fraud is also on the rise, and the realization of a safe credit card usage environment is regarded as an issue. In the Credit Card Security Guidelines, which are positioned as practical guidelines for the obligation of security measures stipulated in the Installment Sales Act, related businesses are required to take "multifaceted and multilayered measures," and EMV 3-D Secure is stipulated as one of the specific measures for "personal authentication."

Four Specific Measures

  • Identity authentication

    Identity authentication

    Example) 3D Secure
  • Voucher Verification

    Voucher Verification

    Example) Security Code
  • Attribute / behavior analysis

    Attribute / behavior analysis

    e.g. Fraud detection system
  • Shipping information

    Shipping information

    e.g. Fraudulent address detection

Features of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0): Authentication Conductor

Identity authentication is a mechanism to prevent fraud by implementing the identity verification process, such as entering a PIN at a Credit card payment at a physical store, even on non-Card Present Transactions sites such as e-commerce sites. In EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0), the authentication process is divided into three patterns by "risk-based authentication" that determines the degree of risk based on device information, behavioral information, and attribute information used in online shopping.

Features of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0): chargeback Risk Burden

Among transactions that implement EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0), if a fraud occurs in (1) successful authentication or (2) a transaction in which the credit card company or the member has not participated*, in principle, the credit card company bears the risk.

※EC事業者はEMV 3-Dセキュア(3Dセキュア2.0)を介した取引を実施したが、カード会社やカード会員側の設定対応状況により認証がかからないケース


Risk Burden


EMV 3-D Secure Authentication Successful

Merchants are exempt from liability *1


Member's card issuer or member has not joined EMV 3-D Secure


EMV 3-D Secure Authentication Out of Trade

Merchants are not exempt from liability

  • ※1 カード登録時にEMV 3-Dセキュア認証していても、以降の取引時にもEMV 3-Dセキュア認証しない限りは免責対象外となる。
  • ※2 契約のカード会社(アクワイアラー)との契約内容による。

EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0) brands and service names

International brands refer to their respective services by their respective names:

Service Name


Visa Secure


Mastercard ID check




American Express Safekey




  • About EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0) compatible brands

    VISA / Mastercard / JCB / American Express / Diners ブランドが対応しています。その他のクレジットカードブランドにつきましては、本人認証が行われない通常の取引となります。
    ※ 代表加盟サービスをご利⽤の場合、株式会社ジェーシービーとのご契約があることがご利⽤条件となります。
    カード会社と直接ご契約されている場合、アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル, Inc.とのご契約があることがご利⽤条件となります。

  • Points to note after changing the amount of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0)

    EMV 3-Dセキュア(3Dセキュア2.0)を利用した決済を金額変更した場合、3Dセキュアを利用しない決済となります。

  • EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0) Installation Cost

    The introduction cost is an individual estimate. Please contact us for details.

  • Availability of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0)

    Whether or not it can be introduced depends on the development environment such as EC cart. Please check with the development company.

  • Detection Accuracy of EMV 3-D Secure (3D Secure 2.0)

    Although there is a possibility that a credit card fraud may not be detected, we recommend that you consider introducing it, including deduction measures in case it is not detected.