Information Disclosure PolicyInformation Disclosure Policy
Basic IR Policy
Building a relationship of trust with shareholders and investors is positioned as a priority management priority, and we will strive to disclose information fairly and proactively so that we can accurately recognize and judge the actual situation of our company.
Information Disclosure Standards
The Company discloses information that may affect investment decisions in accordance with the finance Commodity and Exchange Act and the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities" (hereinafter referred to as the "Timely Disclosure Rules") stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Methods of Information Disclosure
Disclosure stipulated by laws such as the Commercial Code and the finance Commodity Exchange Act will be made appropriately in the manner prescribed by laws and regulations. In addition, disclosures that fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules will be registered on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange after prior explanation to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules, and the same information will be promptly provided to the media. With regard to the provision of information disclosed on TDnet on the Company's website, in accordance with the finance Commodity and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company will disclose the facts to the media and promptly post the information after confirming that it is posted on the "Timely Disclosure Information Browsing Service" on the Exchange's website.
In addition, due to PDF files and other preparations, there may be a delay in posting the information on the website. With regard to information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules, it is our policy to convey such information to shareholders and investors in an accurate and fair manner in an appropriate manner in accordance with the finance Commodities and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations.
Accuracy of information
Although we pay close attention to the accuracy of the information, we do not guarantee or assume any responsibility for it.
For material facts, we recommend that you also refer to laws and regulations such as the Annual Securities Report and EDINET (an electronic disclosure system for disclosure documents such as securities reports based on the finance Commodity and Exchange Act), as well as other disclosures based on the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
performance Forecasts and Forward-Looking Statements
We will make detailed quarterly performance disclosures for your convenience.
Forward-looking statements, such as performance forecasts announced by the Company, are forecasts at the time of publication and are not guaranteed. In addition, the Company does not endorse any predictions made by third parties of the Company's performance.
Disclosure of Information in Meetings with Securities Analysts and Institutional Investors
The information announced at the Company's meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors (individual meetings and small meetings) is limited to facts that have already been disclosed in earnings announcements, well-known facts, and the general business environment. We do not make any mention of undisclosed "material facts".
Thorough implementation of IR policies within the company
The Company will disseminate this IR Policy throughout the Company from time to time and ensure that it is thoroughly implemented. All inquiries from securities analysts and institutional investors are handled by the department in charge of IR. This is intended to protect us and our partners from any legal liability, including the finance Commodity Exchange Act.
Internal Information Management Regulations
The Company has established regulations on insider trading regulations in order to establish operational guidelines for the disclosure of material facts and management standards for internal information. In addition, we are focusing on educating our executives and partners to ensure that insider information management is thoroughly implemented.
IR self-restraint period
The Company has established an "IR self-restraint period," which is three weeks prior to the date of the announcement of financial results for each quarter. During this period, the Company's officers and employees will refrain from commenting on business forecasts, results, or forecasts, and will not hold or participate in individual meetings, analyst briefings (large and small meetings), seminars, conference calls, etc.
The information posted on this website is intended to deepen understanding of the Company and is not intended to solicit investment. When investing, please do so at your own discretion.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred based on such information, regardless of the reason.
Basic Policy of Investor Relations
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (the "Company") promptly and appropriately discloses important information to promote accurate understanding and judgment among shareholders and investors and to build a relationship of trust.
Standard for Disclosing Information
The Company provides timely disclosure of information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and with "Securities Listing Regulations on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information" as established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred as "Timely Disclosure Regulations").
Method of Disclosure
The Company's information disclosure meets the requirements of the Commercial Law and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In addition, in carrying out disclosure, which falls under Timely Disclosure Regulations, the Company makes full use of the electronic facilities provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet). Information disclosed on TDnet is also promptly disclosed via other media including the Company's website and press releases. Due to preparation of PDF files and other tools, the publication of such information may be delayed. Information which is not directly covered by Timely Disclosure Regulations is disclosed to shareholders and investors in a fair and appropriate manner based on the laws and regulations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
Accuracy of the Information
The Company pays utmost attention to the accuracy of the information disclosed; however, the Company assumes no liability for any incidents arising from the inaccuracy of data.
The Company recommends that shareholders and investors view "important facts" and other information disclosed in accordance with rules of Securities Exchange Law, EDINET ( electronic corporate disclosure system for disclosure documents, such as annual securities reports in accordance with Financial Instruments and Exchange Act), and regulations of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Performance Forecast and Other Forward-looking Statements
The Company provides detailed performance results on a quarterly basis for the convenience of everyone. However, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy of these forecasts, because forecasts and other forward-looking statements are made on information available at the time of preparation.
In addition, the Company does not endorse the performance predictions made by a third party.
Information Disclosure for Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts.
The Company holds meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors, including individual meetings, small and medium size meetings. The information presented in these meetings is already well-known facts that were disclosed in the Financial Results Briefing. The Company does not mention any undisclosed "important facts" to only certain people among shareholders and investors.
Thorough Implementation of Disclosure Policy
The Group Companies ensure thorough implementation of the Disclosure Policy and enforce it in all appropriate circumstances.
The Investor Relations Office is in charge of conducting all meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors. This pursues the goal to protect the Company and employees from any legal liability, including application of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
Management of Insider Information
The Company has established rules regarding insider trading regulations. These regulations determine management guidelines for the disclosure of important facts of the Company and management standards concerning insider information. In addition, the Company focuses on training all employees to ensure thorough implementation of insider information management.
IR Silent Period
The Company observes an "IR Silent Period" each quarter beginning on the closing day of its financial accounts and lasting 3 weeks. During this period, the Company will not answer any inquiries or make any comments regarding financial results outcomes and forecasts, and does not conduct any individual meetings with analysts, seminars or conferences.
Information disclosure is designed to deepen understanding of the Company among the public, and is not intended as an inducement to invest. Be cautioned that the reader assumes all responsibility for his or her own investment-related decisions.
The Company cannot be held liable under any circumstances for any damages.
If you have any questions or consultations about our services, please contact us.
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