Crossing borders while in Japan


With the Wandou platform, you can cross the border from the product registration of the store owner to the shopping by the customer while staying in Japan.

■ "Cross-border information"

In addition to translating product information, we will create all information related to the product for cross-border purposes, from the origin of the store's product to the goodness of the product.

■ "Cross-border of things"

After receiving an order, simply send it to a domestic distribution center (in Tokyo), and international distribution will be carried out by the Wandou platform. We have built a futuristic international logistics system that can centrally manage all trends from store openings to delivery to Chinese customers. Product tracking can also be done with Inagora's logistics system.

■ "Cross-border of money"

payment corresponds to the main payment method in China. The user is originally payment, and the payment to the shop owner will be transferred from the Wovn platform in yen.

It will be provided in collaboration with Inagora and our company.