

Early Payment Service 早期入金サービス

Early Payment Service is a service that allows EC operators to freely select the deposit cycle of "number of closings", "closing date", and "date until payment". Businesses that have a contract PG Multi-Payment Service (representative member store service) can use it.

GMO-PG Remittance Service GMO-PG送金サービス

The GMO-PG Remittance Service is a service that accurately and speedily handles complicated operations such as refund and remittances to business customers. Not only can the business be streamlined, but the recipient's account information once entered is stored by us, reducing the risk of the business operator. In addition, it is possible to reduce the transfer fee compared to financial institution

GMO B2B Early Payment GMO BtoB早払い

This is a service that allows you to quickly monetize your accounts receivable from your business partners by transferring them to GMO Payment Gateway.

GMO B2B AR Guarantee GMO BtoB売掛保証

This is a service in which accounts receivable on behalf of a business partner in the event of uncollected business.

GMO-PG Transaction Lending GMO-PG

This is a lending service provided to member stores that use payment

GMO advertising fee buy now pay later service GMO広告費後払いサービス


Invoice Card Pay byGMO 請求書カード払い byGMO

請求書カード払い byGMOとはBtoBの請求書カード払いを可能にするサービスです。BtoB取引において買い手企業は本サービスを導入することで、売り手企業が決済方法として銀行振込を指定した場合であっても、お手元のカードでお支払いが可能となります。