[Beginner] Dramatically improve CVR with smartphone optimization that can be done with free tools
"You can do your own smartphone optimization" "What is Google Optimize?" "Smartphone site improvement cases"

~ Seminar Report ~

Seminar outline


[Beginner] Dramatically improve CVR with smartphone optimization that can be done with free tools!
-"Smartphone optimization that you can do yourself" "What is Google Optimize?" "Smartphone site improvement cases"-


1-14-6 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Humax Shibuya Building 7F


Yu Sugawara, Data Scientist, Customer Attraction Support Department, Innovation Partners Division GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. Innovation Partners Division Customer Attraction Support Department Analysis Analyst Ryuichi Tsujimoto


The theme is [Google Optimize], a tool that can optimize the site.
・ The site has not been optimized for smartphones yet
・ I want to increase sales on smartphones
・ I want to raise CVR
We hold seminars for those in charge who have problems such as.
In the first part, as a basic part, we will explain the importance of smartphone optimization, introduction of Google Optimize, and case studies.
In the second part, we will explain the points for optimizing smartphones and specific examples of measures.

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【Part One】

At the beginning, I explained the importance of smartphone optimization.
・ Compared to PC users, the purchase rate of smartphone users is very low, less than 1/2.
・ Since 46% of Internet users use only smartphones, smartphone measures are extremely important.

On that basis, the factors that are the hurdles for smartphone measures are defined as "cost, time, and risk."
I told you that if you use Google Optimize, you can take measures against smartphones without worrying about these.

In the lecture, A / B testing and web page editing will be demonstrated while using the operation screen of Google Optimize.
Participants' attention is also very high,
"It's so easy to create another pattern for a page"
"The edits I just made are immediately reflected on the Web."
The reaction was seen.

He also explained the importance of repeating the PDCA cycle many times as a point in taking measures against smartphones.
He said that the knowledge gained by repeating hypothesis making → result verification when changing the design is important.

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Finally, I would like to introduce an example of using our Google Optimize.
The following contents were explained as a summary of the first part, and the first part was completed.
・ Use Google Optimize for smartphone optimization
・ Repeat the PDCA cycle of design changes
・ It is important to deepen the knowledge about the appropriate design for each site.

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[Part 2]

At the beginning, the characteristics of smartphones as devices and the psychological state of users are reorganized.
The following two points are defined as the major factors behind the low CVR of smartphones.
・ Since the operability is worse than that of a PC, it is easy to give up and leave in the middle.
・ Many users are for information gathering purposes

With the above in mind, we have introduced effective concrete measures for each withdrawal stage from inflow to conversion.

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■ ① UI improvement of smartphone site
I will explain 5 points to be aware of when improving the UI of smartphones.
・ Redesigned conversion for smartphones
・ Detailed consideration for taps (size, position, width, spacing)
・ Utilization of telephone CV
・ Scrolling does not stop
・ Reading speed

As a method of creating smartphone pages, it is recommended to use responsive design rather than a dedicated smartphone site.
While arranging the advantages / disadvantages of each, he mainly expressed the following views.
・ If you create a site dedicated to smartphones, you will need to maintain two sites, one for PC and one for smartphone, which will increase man-hours.
・ By using responsive design, SEO algorithm is also superior.
I also reiterated the benefits of using Google Optimize to take measures against smartphones.

■ ② Entry form
Explained that by using the EFO tool and reducing the load on the user on the input screen, it is possible to prevent the withdrawal of high-quality users who are close to purchasing.

■ ③ payment / Login
payment methods that are compatible with smartphones and measures to prevent withdrawal by incorporating social login.
We introduced the payment method such as Google Pay from the perspective of a payment processing company

The seminar ended with the following explanation as a summary of the second part.
・ Understand the purpose of visits by smartphone users and design strategies
・ Measures are prioritized from measures that have a large impact. Responsive support recommended
・ The market environment, such as the Mobile First Index advocated by Google, is in full swing to prioritize smartphones.