[Introduction] How to use Google Analytics
-Importance of access analysis & basic setting total check-

~ Seminar Report ~

Seminar outline


Tokyo Online Ad seminar
【Introductory Edition】 How to use GoogleAnalytics
-Importance of Access Analysis & Basic Settings Total Check-

Date and time

Jan 22, 2015 (Thu.) 13:30~15:15


GMO Payment Gateway Tokyo Headquarters Large Conference Room


GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
WEB Analyst, Customer Attraction Support Department
Yu Sugawara

State of the venue

Among the Online Ad seminar sponsored by GMO Payment Gateway, Google Analytics boasts the most popularity. This time, too, the rush of applications began immediately after the start of the application, and by the evening of the next day, three times the number of people scheduled to be held was gathered, and the deadline was filled up at an unusually fast time.

[First half] Importance of access analysis by Google Analytics and KPI design

State of the venue

The first half consists of three parts: (1) the importance of access analysis, (2) the basic structure of the GoogleAnalytics management screen, and (3) KPI design and indicators to be viewed in Google Analytics.

(1) Importance of access analysis

Access analysis is important for discovering the strengths and weaknesses of the site and implementing and continuing improvement measures.

However, at present, there are many clients who tend to fall into dangerous marketing rather than intuition such as "anyway", "anyway", "probably", etc., and there are also cases where Google Analytics is "just watching" and does not take any measures.

If access analysis is to be introduced, it is very important to rotate and sustain the PDCA cycle of analysis, hypothesis, measures, and actions.

(2) Basic structure of GoogleAnalytics management screen

First, from an understanding of the Google Analytics account structure.
Account> Properties> View three-tier structure.
The report consists of a biaxial table format with vertical axis: dimensions and horizontal axis: indicators.
Explains each basic index such as sessions and PV, and also explains four frequently used reports.

If you want to grow your site, you don't have to deal with all the dimensions and metrics, you need to choose the metrics to look at.
The index to be looked at is the KPI "Important performance Evaluation Indicator".

(3) KPI design and indicators to be viewed in Google Analytics

The ultimate goal of the site is KGI. KPIs are indispensable for achieving KGI.
There is a correlation that if the KPI value improves, the KGI will naturally improve.


As described above, in the first half, I explained the contents with a focus on attitude for those who will operate Google Analytics from now on.

[Second half] Basic settings total check to grasp to visualize results with Google Analytics!

The second half consists of two parts: (1) three mandatory option settings and (2) seven important option settings.
With more practical content than the first half, we will introduce recommended settings for a total of 10 items in order with difficulty.

(1) Three mandatory option settings

Since it is necessary to grasp the exact details Actual and to define KPIs, it is desirable to always make settings.

Specific settings include goal setting, custom reporting, URL parameter setting, and e-commerce settings.

(2) Seven important option settings

Although the data obtained is very useful, it is important to configure the settings according to the purpose of the site, and it is a good idea to choose only those that match the purpose of the site from the seven settings.

The contents include funnels, site search keyword acquisition, acquisition of user attributes such as age and gender, etc. Although it was relatively simple, it was able to make full use of the characteristics of Google Analytics, and many participants were seen eagerly taking notes.

【Summary】Through the seminar

State of the venue

Every time, it is a very successful Google Analytics seminar, but I feel that the enthusiasm increases with each passing time.
With the spread of Google Analytics, access analysis has become familiar, but merchants who have been able to establish a PDCA cycle from analysis to action are still in the minority.
In the future, we would like to continue to hold seminars with more practical content that are directly linked to the outcomes of the participants.

Thank you very much to everyone who came this time.
Our Customer Attraction Support Department provides consulting services for site improvement through access analysis of Google Analytics to merchants.

If you are interested, please contact the following.