(GMOサイバーセキュリティ byイエラエ)
Challenges like this can be overcome.
It can be solved
- I want to take security measures
What is a vulnerability?
Vulnerabilities are information security flaws and weaknesses hidden in web applications, smartphone apps, software, cloud platforms, etc.
Vulnerabilities can be caused by a variety of causes, including bugs in the software, improper configuration, poor security policies, and unauthorized operations.
Background to the need for vulnerability assessment
Financial damage or loss of credibility
If the vulnerability is left unaddressed, it can be exploited when targeted by an attacker, resulting in website tampering, unauthorized access, leakage of important information such as personal information, credit card information, and confidential information, and intrusion into the corporate network. Such events can result in financial damage or damage to the reputation and goodwill of individuals and companies. In order to prevent such vulnerabilities from being exploited, it is desirable to conduct vulnerability assessments of systems every quarter ~ one year.
Examples of financial damage risk
Liability Risk
Risk of being claimed for damages due to leakage of customer information or system outage due to cyber attack
Cost Risk
Risks related to investigating the cause and scope of damage caused by cyberattacks, recovery, and implementation of measures to prevent recurrence
Profit Risk
Risk of suspension of the company's business and loss of profits until countermeasures are taken due to cyber attacks
Purpose of vulnerability assessment (risk and impact assessment)
The purpose of vulnerability assessment is to find vulnerabilities in systems, software, etc., and to assess their risks and impact.
In addition, by fixing vulnerabilities that are judged to be high-risk and have a high impact, it is possible to improve system security and prevent damage from exploitation.
As mentioned above, if a vulnerability is left unaddressed, it can be exploited by malicious actors and lead to financial damage and loss of trust. Before that happens, you need to identify vulnerabilities and fix them to keep your system secure.
「クレジットカード決済システムのセキュリティ対策強化検討会報告書」(2023 年 1 月 20 日) において、EC加盟店の漏えい対策の強化のための当面の対応として、EC加盟店のシステム、ECサイト自体の脆弱性対策(システム上の設定の不備への対策(PW 管理等)、脆弱性診断・ 対策、ウイルス対策等)の基本的なセキュリティ対策を必須とすることを2024年度末までに本ガイドラインに追記することが求められている。
Types of vulnerability assessments and what to diagnose
Types of vulnerability assessments
Vulnerability Assessment can be conducted in the following ways:
- 自動診断:自動化されたツールを使用してネットワークやシステムをスキャンして既知の脆弱性を検出する手法
- 手動診断:専門家が手動で特徴的なパターンを利用して脆弱性を見つける手法
- ハイブリッド:ツールを使用しつつ手動でも脆弱性診断を行うハイブリッドな手法
Target of vulnerability assessment
The scope of vulnerability diagnosis is expanding more and more due to the emergence of new technologies such as web applications, smartphone applications, PC software, middleware, OS, network equipment, cloud platforms, IoT devices, and smart contracts used in blockchains.
Differences from penetration testing
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are both methods of assessing the security of a system, but they have different goals and approaches.
While vulnerability diagnosis aims to visualize the presence or absence of vulnerabilities, penetration testing finds vulnerabilities and verifies whether they can actually be exploited.
Features of GMO Cybersecurity by Yerae
Highest quality at the lowest price
Engineers belonging to GMO Cybersecurity by Yerae have participated in hacking contests held around the world and have achieved good results.
By continuing to update the latest and more sophisticated hacking technology, we are able to propose specific protection technologies and methods that companies need from the perspective of attackers.
In addition, we have realized that we can provide diagnostic technology at an inexpensive price by effectively utilizing the asset of abundant diagnostic Actual and improving work efficiency using AI.
How to choose a vulnerability assessment related service
【By request】Developer service lineup
お客様のご要望 |
Webサイト向け |
スマホアプリ向け |
クラウド上で構築されたシステム向け |
I want to conduct a vulnerability assessment in time for a service release. |
Web Application Diagnostics |
Smartphone App Diagnostics |
cloud diagnosis |
A client asks for a third-party diagnosis and wants to request a narrow budget. |
Omakase Web Application Diagnosis |
API Diagnostics* |
I am worried that the amount of important information held by in-house developed services is increasing. |
Web penetration test <survey type> |
I have regular diagnoses, but I want to use a different approach to diagnose them. |
Web Penetration Testing |
I'm worried about whether I can diagnose using a protocol other than HTTP |
Diagnosing protocols other than HTTP |
Firebase Diagnostics |
I would like you to consult about security from the development stage. |
Security Consulting ~Secure Development Advisory~ |
I would like to request UI/UX, including development. |
UI/UX Design, Secure Application Development |
* Web application diagnosis and diagnosis content are equivalent.
Simple Diagnosis Service "GMO Cyber Attack Net de Diagnosis"
GMOサイバー攻撃 ネットde診断は経産省が推奨するASM(Attack Surface Management)にカテゴライズされるツールです。 安価かつ手軽に脆弱性を可視化し対処法まで把握することができるため、何から手をつけていいかわからない、対策にかける予算がないといった課題にお応えすることが可能です。
If you have any questions or consultations about our services, please contact us.
Please feel free to contact us from the following.