Prepaid e-money
nanaco gift payment
A payment method that pays within the maximum amount of the prepaid card that the buyer has purchased in advance.
prepaid payment accepts NET CASH, nanaco gifts, and JCB PREMO.

Challenges like this can be overcome.
It can be solved
- I want to introduce payment to my service
- I want to know the most commonly used payment method
Three points of Prepaid payment
- Since it is a prepayment method, there is no risk of payment collection
- It can also be used by young people who cannot have a credit card
- It is popular as a payment for digital content such as games and music downloads, and as a payment for product sales sites
nanaco gift payment
Nanaco Gift payment is a prepaid service that can be used for online shopping. prepaid payment, but the surplus can be charged to the nanaco card or mobile nanaco, and can be used without waste. payment method with high incentives for users who usually use nanaco.
Operation flow of nanaco gift payment

- ... Purchase information, payment number, payment completion notice
- ... deposit
- Purchase
- Purchase information notification
(Store site → GMO Payment Gateway) - payment request notification
(GMO Payment Gateway → Store site) - payment request notification (store site → consumer)
- payment execution
- payment completion notification
(Nanaco Gift → GMO Payment Gateway) - payment completion notification
(GMO Payment Gateway → Store site) - Service delivery
- payment
(Nanaco Gift → GMO Payment Gateway) - payment
(GMO Payment Gateway → Store site)
Flow until the start of operation
1. Inquiries and Requests for Materials: GMO PG
Please contact us by form or phone first. We will send you a free document that summarizes the best service for you. In addition, the person in charge will contact you as soon as possible.
In addition, you can start using the service in a minimum of 3 weeks to 2 months, including the period from application to examination, ID issuance, and incorporation into your system.
payment We also accept detailed consultations and requests regarding services. Please feel free to contact us.
You can use the test environment and download the specifications.
This is an environment in which tests are conducted in advance before introducing "PG Multi-Payment Service".
We provide specifications, manuals, and a set of management screens necessary for various payment processing (test operation).
2. Apply from your company
Please submit the following documents when applying.
merchant acquiring service (member store contract package service)
- PG Multi-Payment Service application
- The register of the company (copy)
- Product materials for sale
- Contents of indication based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
- Notification to each competent authority and permit
* If the web page is public, some documents are not required.
* For details, please contact our sales staff.
In case of direct membership contract (when there is a contract with the card company)
- PG Multi-Payment Service application
3. At our company merchant screening ・ RegisteredGMO PG
If you are using the merchant acquiring service (member store contract acquirer will conduct an examination via our company.
4. GMO PG provides production environment from our company
acquirer and we will send you the production environment setting contents by e-mail.
5. Test the connection in your production environment
Please perform a connection test in a production environment.
6. Start of operation at your company
Please start operation.
* The period until the start of operation will vary depending on the development content of your company.
* PayPal At the time of introduction, some of the installation procedures are different. merchant screening After approval, you will receive a confirmation email from PayPal company, so please enter the verification code and reply. After that, the production environment will be provided.
If you have any questions or consultations about our services, please contact us.
Please feel free to contact us from the following.