分類 |
リスク・機会 |
期間 |
対応策 |
移行リスク |
政策・ |
・炭素税の導入による事業コストの増加 |
中長期 |
・主要データセンター電力への実質再生可能エネルギー導入 |
市場・ |
・環境負荷軽減への顧客ニーズを充足出来ないことによる、事業機会の喪失 |
中長期 |
評判 |
・気候変動問題への対応が不十分と見做されることによるステークホルダーからの評価低下、採用コストや資金調達コストの増加 |
短中期 |
・ESGに関する情報開示の推進 |
物理リスク |
慢性 |
・平均気温の上昇に伴うデータセンターの空調負荷上昇による電力コストの増加 |
中長期 |
・データセンターの効率性向上 |
・平均気温の上昇に伴う風水害や伝染病の蔓延による業務への影響 |
中長期 |
・被災を受けにくいデータセンターの立地選定 |
急性 |
・異常気象・自然災害によるデータセンターの倒壊やデータの消失、人的損害の発生による業務・サービスの停止 |
短中期 |
機会 |
市場・ |
・環境に配慮した経営への社会的要請の高まりから、当社が提供する、オンライン化やキャッシュレス化、ペーパーレス化を推進するサービスへの需要の増加 |
中長期 |
・DX支援など現戦略の遂行 |
評判 |
・気候変動問題への積極的な関りによるステークホルダーからの評価や企業価値の向上 |
短中期 |
・ESGに関する情報開示の推進 |
(単位:t-CO2) |
2019年9月期 |
2020年9月期 |
2021年9月期 |
2022年9月期 |
2023年9月期 |
Scope1*1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Scope2*2 |
マーケット基準 |
1,559 |
1,736 |
1,883 |
308 |
0 |
ロケーション基準 |
- |
- |
- |
929 |
1,032 |
Scope3*3 |
- |
- |
24,015 |
22,462 |
23,616 |
カテゴリ1: |
- |
- |
15,178 |
10,240 |
15,846 |
カテゴリ2:資本財 |
- |
- |
5,181 |
8,439 |
2,044 |
カテゴリ3:燃料及び |
- |
- |
対象外 |
41 |
0 |
カテゴリ4: |
- |
- |
15 |
15 |
14 |
カテゴリ5: |
- |
- |
0 |
13 |
9 |
カテゴリ6:出張 |
- |
- |
92 |
104 |
107 |
カテゴリ7:雇用者の通勤 |
- |
- |
156 |
183 |
189 |
カテゴリ8: |
- |
- |
対象外 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ9: |
- |
- |
11.2 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ10: |
- |
- |
対象外 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ11: |
- |
- |
3,344 |
3,418 |
5,405 |
カテゴリ12: |
- |
- |
対象外 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ13: |
- |
- |
対象外 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ14: |
- |
- |
対象外 |
対象外 |
対象外 |
カテゴリ15:投資 |
- |
- |
35 |
9 |
2 |
*1 Scope1:企業が自ら排出するGHG排出量
*2 Scope2:購入した電力・熱等の間接的なGHG排出量
*3 Scope3:当社の活動に関連する他社のGHG排出量
(出典) キャッシュレス・ロードマップ2023/一般社団法人キャッシュレス推進協議会
Response to climate change (information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations)
As the leading company in the payment industry, the Company promotes payment services such as cashless migration to make cash payments unnecessary, digitalization of invoices to achieve paperless payment slips, etc. In addition, initiatives are underway to reduce GHG emissions in the Company's own businesses as well as in the supply chain by implementing what is effectively renewable energy for electricity used in data centers that process the payment data and through supplier chain engagement activities. The Company aims to realize a sustainable and decarbonized society by working to reduce the environmental burden of our customers and society through business operation that are environmentally mindful.
In addition, the Company has endorsed TCFD recommendations on January 2023 and will work to expand its information disclosure regarding climate change based on TCFD recommendations.
The executive vice president, overseeing planning and operations, bears responsibility for climate change issues at the Board and to reflect/incorporate all environment related issues to the Company's management strategy and management targets. The management team including the president and executive vice president carries out deliberations on policies related to sustainability activities, reviews the progress, evaluates plans, reports the progress to the Board and compiles measures to reflect the feedback received. In addition, the Board receives periodic reports from the Risk Management Committee on its discussions, verifications and findings to help the Board monitor the responses and impact of climate related issues on the overall Company.
Based on scenario analysis methods recommended by the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Company identifies those potential risks and opportunities arising from future climate change. By referring scenarios presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPC) and International Energy Agency (IEA), we have identified the climate change related risks and opportunities based on scenarios related to changes in natural and social environments.
Estimated scenario
1.5℃ scenario
• Rapid progress in the reduction of CO2 emissions arising from the transition to a decarbonized society
• Regulatory tightening from carbon pricing, etc.
• Changes in needs from heightened environmental awareness by stakeholders
4.0℃ Scenario
・Exacerbation of global warming caused by the lack of progress in strengthening laws and regulations on climate changes.
・Increase in abnormal weather, rise in sea levels and occurrence of catastrophic natural disasters caused by the rise in temperature.
Risks and Opportunities Associated with Climate Change
Classification | Risks and opportunities | Timeline | Initiatives | |
Transition risk | Policy, laws/ regulations |
・Increase in cost of business from implementation of carbon tax | Medium-to long term | ・Implementation of what is effectively renewable energy Market, at major data centers |
Market, services |
・Loss of business opportunity from inability to fulfill the client's needs for reducing environmental burden | Medium-to long term | ||
Evaluation | ・Increase in fund procurement cost, recruitment cost and negative evaluation from stakeholders from being regarded as insufficiently responding to climate change issues | Short-to medium term | ・Promote ESG-related information disclosure | |
Physical risk | Chronic | ・Increase in electricity cost from higher burden on air-conditioning caused by the rise in average temperatures | Medium-to long term | ・Improve efficiency at data centers |
・Impact to operations from spread of infectious diseases and wind/water disasters due to rise in average temperatures | Medium-to long term | ・Select data center locations less impacted by natural disasters ・Redundancy configuration of systems, dispersion and multiplexing of data centers ・Compilation of business continuity plans (BCP) |
Acute | ・Suspension of operations and services due to personnel loss, data loss and/or damage to data centers caused by abnormal weather and natural disasters | Short-to medium term | ||
Opportunity | Market, services |
・Increase in demand for the Company's services that enables online, cashless and paperless migration due to the increase in social demand for environmentally conscious management | Medium-to long term | ・Pursue current strategy of DX support |
Evaluation | ・Rise in corporate value and improved evaluation from stakeholders from aggressive involvement to tackle climate change problems | Short-to medium term | ・Promote ESG-related information disclosure |
Risk Management
Recent years have seen a worsening of climate change issues, and services offered by the Company may also be impacting the climate and natural resources through CO2 emissions from electric power consumption. To combat this issue, the Risk Management Committee comprehensively undertakes an assessment of and response to natural disaster risks, including climate change.
The Company convenes the Risk Management Committee once every quarter to implement measures effectively and efficiently by incorporating climate related risks into the overall risk management. Risk incidents are classified into six categories according to the quantitative evaluation based on two metrics of monetary impact and frequency of occurrence. The foreseeable risks and general risks are evaluated and selected across the Company by employees above a certain position. Of those, risk incidents that exceed a certain threshold are designated as material risk, and each Division must consider and implement responses.
Consideration and response to the material risk is further deliberated by the relevant Division after incorporating the opinions of external experts. This is examined and debated at the Risk Management Committee and reported to the Board.
Indicators and Targets
The Company is promoting initiatives to reduce GHG emissions to contribute to realizing a sustainable society. In FY2022, the Company implemented what is effectively renewable energy for its major data centers that consume the bulk of electricity in the business. As a result, the Company achieved what is effectively zero GHG emissions from its own operations, including offices and all other data centers (Scope 1 and 2) in FY2023. The Company intends to maintain its effective zero GHG emission up to FY2030.
In order to tackle GHG emissions from the supply chain, the Company has established a target to reduce Scope 3 (Category 1 and 11) emissions for newly operating payment terminals by 55% per terminal by FY2030 against the baseline of FY2021. This target aligns with the Paris Agreement.
The Company is undertaking engagement with the supply chain to reduce GHG emissions related to the purchase and usage of payment terminals (Scope 1 and 11), which are essential to provide CP payments and account for the bulk of Scope 3 emissions, as well as GHG emissions related to software development (Category 2).
More concretely, the Company is engaging with payment terminal manufacturers to implement appropriate measurement and reduction of GHG emissions during manufacturing and electric power consumption during the usage of the terminals.
Similarly, the Company is engaging with system development companies to appropriately measure and reduce GHG emissions (Category 2) related to software development.
In May 2024, the Company's GHG emissions reduction target was certified as aligned with the 1.5 deg. Celsius scenario of SBT Initiative, the global organization that enables corporates to set targets based on climate science. This verifies that the Company's GHG emissions reduction targets are scientifically aligned to the 1.5 deg. Celsius scenario to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 deg. Celsius compared to pre-Industrial levels, as ratified by the new international framework of the Paris Agreement on greenhouse gas emissions reductions beyond 2020.
Targets certified by SBT Initiative
・Scope 1 + 2: To maintain an effectively zero GHG emissions continuously up to Fiscal Year ending September 2030.
・Scope 3: Reduce GHG emissions by 55% per terminal for newly operating payment terminals by Fiscal Year ending September 2030 compared* to Fiscal Year ending September 2021.
* Refers to Category 1 (purchased goods and services) and Category 11 (use of sold products) emissions that are related to payment terminals which accounts for the bulk of Scope 3 emissions.
GHG Emissions
(Unit:t-CO2) |
FY2019 |
FY2020 |
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
Scope1*1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Scope2*2 |
Market-based |
1,559 |
1,736 |
1,883 |
308 |
0 |
Location-based |
- |
- |
- |
929 |
1,032 |
Scope3*3 |
- |
- |
24,015 |
22,462 |
23,616 |
Category1: |
- |
- |
15,178 |
10,240 |
15,846 |
Category2: |
- |
- |
5,181 |
8,439 |
2,044 |
Category3: |
- |
- |
N/A |
41 |
0 |
Category4: |
- |
- |
15 |
15 |
14 |
Category5: |
- |
- |
0 |
13 |
9 |
Category6: |
- |
- |
92 |
104 |
107 |
Category7: |
- |
- |
156 |
183 |
189 |
Category8: |
- |
- |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Category9: |
- |
- |
11.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Category10: |
- |
- |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Category11: |
- |
- |
3,344 |
3,418 |
5,405 |
Category12: |
- |
- |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Category13: |
- |
- |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Category14: |
- |
- |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Category15: |
- |
- |
35 |
9 |
2 |
* Note: Compiled from electric power usage at offices and data centers of major GMO-PG consolidated companies
*1 Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources
*2 Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating and cooling, etc.
*3 Scope 3: All other indirect emissions that occur related to the Company's activities
Trend of GHG Emissions
Third Party Certification
In order to ensure the reliability of GHG Emission, the Company has obtained an independent third-party certification from SOCOTEC Certification Japan.
・Scope1 and 2 (FY2023)
・Scope3 (FY2023)
Energy Conservation Initiatives
Data centers
The Company is implementing various strategies to improve power consumption efficiency and optimize space usage, such as selecting energy-efficient CPUs, optimizing server architecture, virtualizing servers, positioning racks effectively, and managing airflow for cooling. Also, we improved our operations in the fiscal year ending September 2022 to accurately measure and recognize actual power consumption.
Office building
A control management system that automatically turns off the air conditioning and the lighting in the office based on the hours, and an outdoor air-cooling system that minimizes the loss of warm or cold air have been adopted, leading to the conservation of energy. In winter, with an outdoor air-cooling system, the power consumption of air-conditioning systems is controlled by bringing in outside air (not from air-conditioning systems) when the outside air temperature is higher than indoor temperature settings, conserving power and reducing environmental impact.
Contributing to Society's Decarbonization
Promoting cashless, a low environmental footprint payment
The Company will contribute not only to reducing GHG emissions from its businesses but also to reduce GHG emissions for overall society by promoting cashless migration. Cashbased payments emit CO2 at each step of the process, from the printing / minting of paper bills and coins, manufacture of ATMs, etc., to the payment, usage and disposal of cash.
The analysis disclosed by Payments Japan Association to which we belong as a member showed a calculation result that CO2 emissions for cashless payments is one-third that of cash payments, confirming that cashless usage has a smaller environmental impact. Similarly, research done in the UK and Netherlands also showed that promoting cashless migration can reduce CO2 emissions.
Cashless Roadmap 2023 released by Payments Japan Association
CO2 emission for cashless for a ¥1,000 payment is 0.34 grams
The latest Cashless Roadmap 2023 presented an estimation of CO2 emission for cash and cashless payments by utilizing various publicly available data.
Although these values may not be accurate given that the estimates were calculated without all data being available, it was possible to estimate that the CO2 emissions for a ¥1,000 payment is 1.06 grams for cash use compared to 0.34 grams in the case of cashless use. This estimation confirms that using cashless in daily life has a lower environmental impact. As a result, this confirms that cashless usage is a more environmentally friendly behavior.
(Source) Payment Japan Association, "Cashless Roadmap 2023."
Promote paperless migration
The Company supports the merchant's migration to paperless operations by providing services to digitalize invoices.
Business operations that consider environmental impact in Card Present transaction
・Use of recycled paper for receipts (roll paper) when using each payment terminal
・Provision of electronic slip service as an alternative to receipts (rolled paper)