



決済を起点とした事業の持続的成長を通じた「社会貢献」 | 1 革新/Innovation~決済イノベーション創出によるお客様の成長と社会の発展~
2 信頼/Reliability~社会を支える決済インフラの持続的運営~
3 脱炭素/Decarbonization~キャッシュレスを通じた地球環境への貢献~
持続的成長を支える「経営基盤」 | 4 人財/Human Capital~25%成長にコミットし挑戦する組織力の追求~
5 ガバナンス/Governance~健全で責任ある経営の実践~
Basic Approach to Sustainability
As a leading company in the payment industry, the Company promotes business activities that support online and cashless migration, paperless operations, digital transformation (DX) and financial inclusion by building payment infrastructures as well as providing payment and financial-related solutions and platform. This is based on the "GMO-ism" shared with GMO Internet Group, under which the Company upholds the management principle of "contributing to society to pursue both spiritual and material prosperity for our partners."
The Company is engaged in resolving a wide array of societal Issues, such as socioeconomic revitalization and enhancement of corporate competitiveness through the Company's businesses that leverage innovations centered on payment that support a diverse range of corporate activities.
Together with our stakeholders who support the Company's business activities, we stive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and our customers' growth that in turn enhances the Company's corporate value and a sustainable high growth rate.
Identification Process of Material Issues
In order to contribute to the sustainable advancement of society and achieve a sustainable improvement in corporate value by resolving various social issues through our business activities, the Company has identified material issues, using the procedure stated below, that need to be prioritized for their medium-to-longer term impact to the Company's business.

Identify those social issues that have high relevance to the Company's business by assessing societal trends and by referencing international indicators such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).

Evaluate these issues based on the Company own perspective by taking into account business opportunities and risks such as contribution to financial performance and business growth, as well as incorporating perspectives of external stakeholders through dialogues with shareholders and institutional investors, and evaluation from ESG rating agencies.

Based on the above analysis and after discussions among management including External Directors and by resolutions voted at the Board, the Company has identified the materiality issues and compiled key themes of sustainability management.
Materiality Matrix

Key Themes of Sustainability Management
The materiality issues identified have been grouped into 5 domains to clarify the key themes of sustainability management. The Company will strive to contribute to a sustainable socioeconomic advancement and a sustainable improvement in corporate value along these 5 themes.
Social contribution through the sustainable growth of businesses centered on payment | 1 Innovation~Social advancement and customer's growth through creation of payment innovations~
Beginning with payment, one step in the flow of various economic activities, the Company provides a wide array of innovations to corporates that support operational efficiencies such as invoicing, cash management and salary payment to enhance corporate's competitiveness. Promoting cashless adoption contributes to the realization of a more convenient and comfortable society.
2 Reliability~Sustainable operation of payment infrastructure to support society ~
As a company responsible for the social infrastructure of payment, the Company strives to improve the stability and reliability of our operations in order to ensure the safety and security of socioeconomic activity of payment.
3 Decarbonization~Contribute to the Earth's environment through cashless adoption~
Focus on CO2 emissions reductions through the transformation of paper-based and cash-based processes.
Management foundation to support sustainable growth | 4 Human Capital~Pursue organizational capabilities that embrace challenges and the commitment to 25% growth~
Focus on expanding the critically important human capital base as the highest priority undertaking of the organization as we seek to achieve sustainable growth that can overcome changes in the environment.
5 Governance~Institute a sound and responsible management~
Strengthen the governance structure to enhance the effectiveness of oversight from external bodies and risk-taking, in order to continue on a sound and stable path of high growth