





























氏名 地位 GMOイズムの
法務 財務・
金融 グローバル 投資
相浦 一成 代表取締役社長                   94% - -
熊谷 正寿 取締役会長 100% - -
村松 竜 取締役副社長 100% - -
礒﨑 覚 取締役副社長 100% - 100%
安田 昌史 取締役 100% - 100%
山下 浩史 取締役 100% - -
新井 輝洋 取締役 94% - -
稲垣 法子 取締役 100% - -
川﨑 友紀 取締役 100% - -
島原 隆 取締役 94% - -
甲斐 文朗 取締役 100% 100% -
吉田 和隆 取締役・
100% 100% 100%
岡本 和彦 取締役・
94% 94% 100%
外園 有美 取締役・
100% 100% 100%
大川 治 取締役・
- - -

*1 GMOイズムとは、GMOインターネットグループの不変の目標である「スピリットベンチャー宣言」、「55ヵ年計画」のほか、「幹部の心得」「勝利の法則」を表現した社是・社訓の総称です。
*2 取締役会開催数:17回 監査等委員会開催数:19回  指名報酬委員会開催数:2回



パートナーは当社株式を少額より継続して購入可能であり、拠出⾦額に対して10%の奨励⾦を支給しています。2023年9月末時点 の従業員持株会への加入率は約35%であり、パートナー各自が株主の皆様と価値を共有し企業価値の更なる向上に努めております。




活動 回数
決算発表・説明会 4回
1on1ミーティング 約400回
証券会社主催カンファレンス参加 15回
グループMTG含む面談延べ社数 約590社









・リスク 自然災害または事故・外部からの不正な手段によるコンピュータへの侵入・コンピュータウイルス・サイバー攻撃等による通信ネットワークの切断やアプリケーションの動作不良、また予期せぬクレジットカード会社等決済事業者のシステムダウンや当社システムの欠陥により、サービスが停止するリスク
・対応策 リスク回避のため、外部・内部からの不正侵入に対するセキュリティ対策、24時間のシステム監視態勢、システム構成の冗長化、保険への加入並びに社内規程の整備運用等により然るべき対応を適宜図っております。


・リスク 当社の加盟店等からクレジットカード情報が漏洩し、加盟店等に賠償負担する支払い能力がない場合に、当社が連帯責任としてクレジットカード再発行手数料等を賠償するリスク
・対応策 当該リスクを軽減するため、当社では、クレジットカード情報を加盟店等ではなく当社が保持するサービスの促進、及び情報を保持する加盟店等の管理強化などを行っております。


・リスク 当社の管理下にあるデータベースで保管されるクレジットカード番号や、氏名・住所・電話番号・メールアドレス等の個人情報等の重要な情報が外部に流出するリスク
・対応策 当社では一般社団法人日本クレジット協会へ加入し、同協会で義務化されている個人情報保護指針に基づく個人情報管理の運用を実施しているほか、プライバシーマークを取得するなど万全な体制を整備しております。一方、当社はリスク管理を効果的かつ効率的に実施するためにリスク管理委員会を設け、四半期に1回以上委員会を開催し、検討したリスク管理の状況を適宜、代表取締役、取締役会及び監査等委員会に報告しております。



当社事業所全てを対象範囲として、情報セキュリティ管理のグローバル・スタンダード基準とされるISO/IEC27001:2013( 国内規格JISQ27001:2014)への適合認証を取得しております。


個人情報の取り扱いに関しては、日本工業規格「JIS Q 15001:2017 個人情報保護マネジメントシステム-要求事項」に適合して、個人情報について適切な保護措置を講ずる体制を整備している事業者等を認定するプライバシーマークを取得しております。


・PCI DSSに完全準拠
当社のサービスは、JCB・AmericanExpress・Discover・MasterCard・VISAの国際クレジットカードブランド5社が共同で策定した、クレジット業界におけるグローバルセキュリティ基準PCI DSSVer4.0.1に完全準拠しております。全てのお客様に、安全なクレジットカード決済とともに安心をお届けいたします。




なお、2023年9月期に 腐敗に関連する罰金、罰則、和解等に係るコストを含むコンプライアンス違反等に関するコストは発生しておりません。








なお、2023年9月期 に腐敗防止に係る社内規程違反による懲戒処分及び懲戒解雇の対象者はいませんでした。










日本 95.5
アメリカ 0.1
その他(東南アジア・インドなど) 0


Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Based on the management principle, the Company implements governance systems that can effectively and efficiently realize this principle. The Company's basic view on corporate governance is to implement measures and develop necessary management oversight systems for sound progress while simultaneously securing the legal compliance and efficiency of management, and corporate governance is positioned as one of the highest priority management issues.

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

・The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of 15 Directors (including 5 external directors) . The Representative Director functions as the chairperson of the Board. The Board convenes its regular session once every month and can hold extraordinary sessions when necessary to resolve important management and legal issues. In addition, the Board supervises the execution of duties of Directors, and endeavors to secure the fairness, efficiency and transparency of the decision-making process. Furthermore, the term of office of a Director excluding members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee is one year, in order to establish a management system that can respond agilely to the changes in the business environment and clearly define the Director's management responsibility. Moreover, the term of office of a Director who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee is two year.

・Audit and Supervisory Committee

The Audit and Supervisory Committee consists of four External Directors. Based on the Rules of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, each member must share and partake in the task of attending the Board of Directors meetings and other important meetings as well as share in conducting investigations of operations and financial condition, etc. In addition, the Audit and Supervisory Committee carries out supervision through such activities as receiving reports and issuing instructions when necessary to / from the Internal Audit Office.

・Management Committee

The Management Committee is the decision-making body for the execution of important business operations in order to strengthen the management oversight function through the separation of supervision and execution. The Management Committee is comprised of the Representative Directors and some Directors and Executive Officers, and convenes once a month or more, in principle. The Management Committee is formed to facilitate the efficient execution of operations, and make timely and appropriate decisions through deliberations on important matters related to the execution of operations carried out in accordance with the Basic Policy of the Board.

・Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a voluntary body covering matters pertaining to nomination and remuneration of Directors (excluding member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee). The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is comprised of five Directors (of which, three are External Directors) and is chaired by an External Director. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee acts as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and make proposals to the Board of Directors whenever necessary, on matters concerning appointment policy of Directors, screening of candidates, Director's remuneration system, remuneration amount, and succession plans for the role of Representative Director by carrying out fair and objective deliberations.

・Internal Audit Office

The Company establishes the Internal Audit Office which is comprised of three dedicated staff member that conduct the audit of material risks and internal controls of GMO-PG and its consolidated companies. Specifically, the Internal Audit Office conducts internal audits of each department of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries to ascertain whether operations are compliant and conducive with legal regulations, Articles of Incorporation, internal rules, in accordance with the Rules on Internal Audit. The findings are reported to the Representative Director and also explained to the Audit and Supervisory Committee.

・Risk Management Committee

The Company establishes a Risk Management Committee that undertakes risk management for the overall GMO-PG and its consolidated companies in an effective and efficient manner.

・Special Committee

The Special Committee acts as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and consists of five external directors vested with the responsibility to deliberate on important transactions and actions with conflict of interest between controlling and non-controlling shareholders.

Continual Improvement of Governance

・Selection Policies and Nomination Procedures of Directors

The selection of Directors makes due consideration of Directors who are equipped with the knowledge, experience and skill to effectively carry out their role and responsibility and will be mindful to achieve the appropriate size and diversity of the Board. Candidate for Directors will be selected on these policies and following the deliberations at the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, will be formally proposed to the Board for the decision.

・Independence Standards for External Directors

In making the decision for designating External Directors including members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee as independent Directors, the Company designates as independent Directors those who fulfill the proprietary standards set forth in the Independence Standards and Rules for External Directors.

・Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Board

The Company strives to improve the effectiveness of the Board by incorporating evaluation and analysis once a year at the Board meeting, carried out primarily by the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
More concretely, the Company works to ensure the Board's effectiveness based on a broad perspective that is not limited to the composition and operations, but also including the organizational design, nomination and remuneration by incorporating objective and quantifiable methods, such as questionnaires completed by all Directors.
Concurrently, the issues revealed in the evaluation process are continuously addressed through formulating and executing on improvement measures, in order to further enhance the Board's functioning.

・Director's Remuneration

In order to secure the transparency of the remuneration determination process and the appropriateness of the remuneration, the Company establishes the Nomination and Remuneration Committee that acts as an advisory body to the Board of Directs and is chaired by an External Director. The remuneration (including bonus and other remunerations) for Directors (excluding members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) is decided by the Board of Directors following due deliberations by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
The remuneration for each individual Director is decided by the Board and is deemed to basically align with the report and determination policy set forth by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, following the Committee's multi-faceted considerations including the consistency with the policies adopted. Furthermore, the remuneration of Directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee consist only of a fixed remuneration amount in the interest of securing independence and objectivity from management, and the fixed remuneration amount is decided through discussions in the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
Furthermore, in order to further advance sustainability management, ESG indicators have been incorporated into the individual target of the Director in charge from FY ending September 2022.

Directors' Skill Matrix

Name Position Practice of GMO-ism*1 Corporate Management IT/Security Risk Management Legal Affairs Treasury and Accounting Payment Processing Business Finance Global Investment
Attendance rate for Board meeting*2 Attendance rate for Audit and Supervisory Committee*2 Attendance rate for Nomination and Remuneration Committee*2
Issei Ainoura President and
Chief Executive Office
                  94% - -
Masatoshi Kumagai Chairman and
100% - -
Ryu Muramatsu Director,
Executive Vice President
100% - -
Satoru Isozaki Director,
Executive Vice President
100% - 100%
Masashi Yasuda Director 100% - 100%
Hirofumi Yamashita Director 100% - -
Teruhiro Arai Director 94% - -
Noriko Inagaki Director 100% - -
Yuki Kawasaki Director 100% - -
Takashi Shimahara Director 94% - -
Fumio Kai External Director 100% 100% -
Kazutaka Yoshida External Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee 100% 100% 100%
Kazuhiko Okamoto External Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee 94% 94% 100%
Yumi Hokazono External Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee 100% 100% 100%
Osamu Ohkawa External Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee - - -

*1 GMO-ism refers to GMO Internet Group, Inc.'s collective corporate motto consisting of "Venture Spirit Declaration," "55-Year Plan," in addition to the "Rules for Senior Manager" and "Laws of Winning."
*2 Number of Board meetings convened: 17; Number of Audit and Supervisory Committee meetings convened: 19; Number of Nomination and Remuneration Committee meetings convened: 2

Corporate Governance

Raising Awareness of Participation in Management through the Employee Stock Ownership Plan

Based on our ideology of "Everyone is the President," we aspire to foster all partners (employees) to incorporate the same perspective as the management team in carrying out business activities to realize sustainable growth. The Company establishes the Employee Stock Ownership Plan to further raise awareness of participation in management by the partners and to aid in their asset accumulation.
Partners can purchase the Company's shares from small installments, and the Company provides a 10% incentive payment for such share purchases. As of the end of September 2023, the participation rate in the Employee Share Ownership plan is 35%. Each partner continues to strive to raise the corporate value by sharing the same values as our general shareholders.

Engagement through IR Activities

The Company carries out timely disclosure of management information and investor relations (IR) activities for shareholders and other investors to enhance the transparency of management in order to achieve the aims of corporate governance.

Summary of Activities for FY2022 (from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023)

Activity Number of Events
Financial results announcements and briefings 4 times
One-on-one meetings Approx. 400
Participation in broker conferences 15 times
Number of meetings including group meetings Approx. 590
Information Disclosure Policy

Risk Management

Status of Risk Management Structure

In order to tackle the various risks associated with business operations, the Company has developed a risk management structure to secure stable growth and business continuity by optimizing and deploying costs required to carry out preemptive measures on a permanent basis.
Specifically, the Risk Management Committee has been established, comprised of the heads of divisions at GMO-PG and its consolidated companies, to carry out risk assessment, the formulation and execution of countermeasures, as well as monitoring. This Committee comprehensively evaluates and manages various risks including compliance risks such as anti-corruption, natural disaster-related risks including climate change and risks associated with system security, among others.
The Board of Directors supervises the effectiveness and appropriateness of corporate-wide risk management based on periodic reports on the discussions and evaluations of the Committee.
Note that, due to the above initiatives, there have been no scandals nor material wrongdoing during FY2023.

Information Security

Basic View

The Company's mission is the realization of a secure and convenient cashless payment for consumers and business operators by aiming to become the infrastructure of Japan's payment process. In conducting corporate activities aligned with this mission, the Company is engaged in information security measures based on the awareness that protection of information assets from external threats is the highest management issue as well as in utilizing the proprietary information assets.
Specifically, necessary measures are in place such as internal rules, 24-hour system surveillance and security measures against malicious infiltration both from within and outside the Company to prevent cyber-attacks and computer viruses and other malicious infiltration of computers.
Additionally, yearly educational and awareness-raising activities are scheduled to ensure that these measures take root.
Thorough education is periodically conducted at the start of employment using compliance training programs to ensure a deeper understanding of procedures, the purpose of security rules, basic policies and rules stipulated under the information security management system (ISO27001). These are combined with awareness raising videos on information security measures. Additionally, improving the effectiveness of risk assessment is also carried out by inviting external experts to participate in the Risk Management Committee and by assigning employees with specialized knowledge to the Internal Audit Office.

Risks and Responses to Information Security

①System Failure and Information Security

・Risk : Risk of service disruptions caused by unforeseen system failures on the part of payment providers (such as credit card companies) and/or weaknesses in the Company's systems that result in the disruption of communication networks and the malfunctioning of applications caused by cyberattacks, computer viruses, and/or unauthorized computer access from an external source or natural disasters or accidents.
・Response : The following requisite and appropriate responses are enacted to mitigate risks, such as security measures against unauthorized access from external and internal sources, a 24-hour surveillance structure, duplication of system configuration, insurance policy enrollment, and development of internal rules on operations.

②Credit Card Information Breach at Merchants

・Risk : Risk of joint liability to cover the indemnity cost of reissuing credit cards when the merchant, etc., does not have the capacity to fulfill the obligation in the event of information leakage of credit card information occurring at the merchant.
・Response : In order to mitigate this risk, the Company undertakes strengthened management of merchants that store such information as well as promotes services where the credit card information is stored by the Company and not by the merchant.

③Potential Breach of Personal Information and Its Impact

・Risk : Risk of external leak of database information managed by the Company that contains personal information such as credit card information, names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
・Response : The Company has implemented a solid system that qualifies for the PrivacyMark in order to ensure against this risk. In addition, as a member of the Japan Consumer Credit Association, personal information management operations are implemented in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Policy. Furthermore, the Company established the Risk Management Committee to implement effective and efficient risk management. The Risk Management Committee convenes once every quarter and reports its findings on risk management to the representative directors, Board of Directors, and Audit and Supervisory Committee.

The following certifications for information security have been certified as measures to strengthen the risk management structure.


・Acquired accreditation for compliance for ISO27001
Acquired accreditation for compliance for ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q27001:2014), the global standard for information security management applicable to all of the Company's business locations


・Acquired PrivacyMark certification
In recognition of the appropriate measures to safeguard personal information, the Company received the PrivacyMark certification that signifies compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standard for personal information protection, JIS Q15001:2017.


・Fully PCI DSS Compliant
The Company's services are in full compliance with version 4.0.1 of the PCI DSS global security standard for the credit card industry, which was jointly formulated by the five global credit card brands: JCB, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. As such, we are delivering peace of mind to all of our customers, in addition to securing credit card payments.

Security compliance

Compliance (Legal Compliance)


The Company considers the scope of compliance that includes: a) laws and ordinances, b) ethics and social norms, c) rules, regulations, and procedures, and d) management vision. The Company works to raise the compliance mindset of all partners based on the awareness of "adapting to the demands of society" (known as the full-set compliance), which includes adherence to related government laws and ordinances.
Under the Rules of Compliance Management and Internal Rules Regarding Misconduct, all incidents of misconduct including compliance violations that occurred or is likely to occur must be reported to Corporate Support Division promptly, and the Corporate Support Division is stipulated to carry out necessary investigation and implement the required and appropriate response for resolution, as well as formulate and disseminate the preventative measures, with due reporting and collaboration with Corporate Support Division.
The Internal Audit Office reviews the state of compliance with ordinances, articles of incorporation, company rules and other such regulations based on the yearly Audit and Supervisory Plan. Corrective measures are undertaken if a circumstance is found to require improvement as well as follow-up to ensure these corrective measures are enforced. If an incident where a compliance violation is suspected occurs, the Company has developed and operates a whistleblower system in addition to the normal reporting system based on chain of command.
Note that no costs related to compliance violations, including penalties, fines and settlement payments related to corruption, have been incurred in FY2023.

Code of Conduct

The Company acknowledges the importance of compliance with laws and regulations, improving and maintaining corporate and employee ethics which is compiled into the Code of Conduct and carries out regular awareness-raising and other efforts to partners (employees).
The Company's intention encompasses the full set of compliance which is not limited to compliance to laws and regulations, improving and maintaining corporate and employee ethics but also to 'adaptation to social demands.' In order to put this into practice, the Company strives to preemptively prevent the occurrence of any problems through compliance with internal rules and an open and smooth communication in the work environment. On the other hand, in case a problem arises, the issue is reported and consulted with the line manager and there are systems in place to enable a speedy, effective and suitable improvement measures.
With the help of such initiatives, partners of the Company are entrusted to act in a responsible and sensible manner and internalize the Code of Conduct as a guiding principle of their daily behavior.

Code of Conduct


Basic View

The Company's Code of Conduct for Directors and Employees stipulates related anti-corruption clauses including compliance with Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (the Anti-Monopoly Act), acts of conflicts of interest, prohibition of gift-giving or entertainment of public officials or those deemed to be as well as overseas public officials or those deemed to be, prohibition of gift-giving and entertainment in excess of socially acceptable levels to business counterparts, measures on anti-money laundering and other similar acts and, contributions and charitable donations that abide with laws and ordinances.

Anti-Corruption Initiatives

The Company carries out the merchant management assessment on merchants that are likely to enter into a commercial transaction with the Company, to assess whether the business of the merchant is offensive to public order and standards of decency.
The Board of Directors monitors the compliance of GMO-PG and its consolidated companies by receiving regular reports on the compliance initiatives and its implementation from the officer in charge of compliance.
The Company has established a whistle-blower reporting system internally and externally that ensures confidentiality, fairness and objectivity.
The Company continuously works to disseminate the Company's principles and messages from top management that are related to compliance and foster a compliance culture through periodically reading aloud and debates. In addition, the Company conducts regular training and follow-up sessions in order to educate and thoroughly disseminate the significance and importance of compliance management as per the Rules on Compliance Management.
Note that there were no individuals subject to disciplinary action or dismissal due to violations of the Code of Conduct related to anti-corruption during FY2023.

Political Donations

The Company does not make political donations.

Tax Policy

Tax Policy

Basic View

Under the management principle to "By contributing to society, we pursue both spiritual and material prosperity for our partners." the Company contributes to the economy and local community of that jurisdiction through the fair and full payment of taxes. The Company appropriately files and pays the taxes based on the relevant laws and regulations on taxation of that country/region in which the business activity takes place. In addition, the Company will endeavor to optimize its tax cost through the use of tax incentives and benefits within the scope of legitimate business activities. The Company will not engage in arbitrary tax avoidance measures to make unreasonable and unjust use of tax havens and excessive tax planning on non-existent businesses, nor abuse tax incentives in a manner not aligned with the purpose stated in the relevant tax law.

Tax Governance

The Executive Vice President of the Company, overseeing corporate operation, bears responsibility over tax governance, and the Accounting Division carries out the taxation operations under the management and instructions from the General Manager of Accounting & Finance Management Department. Consideration of taxation risks is carried out with the advice from external advisors. Occurrence of material problems related to taxation is reported to the Board of Directors.

FY2023 Tax Payment by Country

Unit:¥100 million
Country Tax Payment
Japan 95.5
U.S 0.1
Other (Southeast Asia, India, etc.) 0

* Compiled figures for corporate taxes, etc.