* 参加者:副社長、上席専務執行役員、GMO-EP社長、GMO-PS社長、 GMO-FG社長、人事
統合報告書 人材戦略従業員満足度調査は、Great Place to Work® Institute Japan(以下、GPTWジャパン)「働きがいのある会社」アンケートを活用しており、当社は2024年8月度の「働きがいのある会社」認定において、「働きがい認定企業」に10回連続で選出されました。
* 利益成長と生産性向上の相乗効果でグループ連結営業利益率の向上を実現し、利益率が一定ラインを超えた分を原資としてパートナーに給与として還元する取り組み。
- 360度多面評価制度
- アドバイザー制度
- キャリアデザイン制度
- 社内短期留学制度
- マンツーマン研修
- PGビジネス研修
- 管理職研修
育児と仕事の両立支援においては、長期的なキャリア形成のため、時差出勤・短時間勤務・在宅勤務等の制度化やキッズルーム「GMO Bears」(託児所)及び専門相談窓口の常設、ベビーシッター利用補助の導入といった支援策を拡充し、積極的な女性の管理職登用に繋がっております。
・キッズルーム「GMO Bears」(託児所)
GMO-PG健康宣言「Well-being With Partners」
「食」:シナジーカフェ「GMO Yours」
国内各拠点には大規模コミュニケーションスペース「GMO Yours」が設置されており、管理栄養士監修のランチメニューを提供。また、豊富なドリンクメニューを取り揃えたカフェ、朝食や深夜勤務者への軽食、休憩中につまむことができるお菓子など、パートナーの心と身体の健康を食からサポートしています。
「躍」:フィットネスGYM「GMO OLYMPIA」
また、ジムエリアを活用したフィットネスイベントも実施し、GMO OLYMPIAから「運動する楽しさ」を発信しています。
「癒」:マッサージ&おひるね「GMO Bali Relax」
「癒」:おひるねスペース「GMO Siesta」
リテラシー向上、健康維持・増進、メンタルヘルス対策、過重労働防止対策、安全管理等への取り組みが評価され、2024年3月に経済産業省主管・日本健康会議認定の健康経営優良法人(大規模法人部門)に2年連続で認定。2023年9月に健康保険組合連合会 東京連合会より健康優良企業「銀の認定」を取得。2024年5月に厚生労働省東京労働局長より安全衛生優良企業認定を取得いたしました。
自治体が発行する紙の商品券をデジタル化するサービス「モバイル商品券プラットフォーム byGMO」の展開を拡大し、地域経済の活性化のお手伝いをしています。
金融関連ビジネスで世界の国々の発展に貢献したい【GMO-PG海外事業の狙い】 金融包摂FinTech企業へのインパクトファイナンスを推進雇用促進
連結/単体 |
単位 |
2021年9月期 |
2022年9月期 |
2023年9月期 |
パートナー数 |
連結 |
人 |
714 |
799 |
825 |
うち女性パートナー数 |
人 |
244 |
249 |
263 |
% |
34.2 |
31.2 |
31.9 |
新規採用者数 |
連結 |
人 |
105 |
154 |
77 |
うち女性新規採用者数 |
人 |
33 |
42 |
26 |
新卒採用者数 |
人 |
23 |
28 |
16 |
うち女性新卒採用者数 |
人 |
10 |
8 |
5 |
中途採用者数 |
人 |
82 |
126 |
61 |
うち女性中途採用者数 |
人 |
23 |
34 |
21 |
非正規社員数 |
連結 |
人 |
21 |
18 |
24 |
平均年齢 |
単体 |
歳 |
35.3 |
35.4 |
36.3 |
障がい者雇用率 |
連結 |
% |
2.3 |
2.3 |
2.3 |
育児休業取得者数 |
男性 |
単体 |
人 |
4 |
8 |
19 |
女性 |
人 |
16 |
9 |
11 |
育児休業取得率 |
男性 |
単体 |
% |
40.0 |
40.0 |
70.3 |
女性 |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
育児休業復職率 |
男性 |
単体 |
% |
100 |
100 |
94.7 |
女性 |
% |
85.7 |
92.9 |
84.6 |
連結/単体 |
単位 |
2021年9月期 |
2022年9月期 |
2023年9月期 |
女性管理職者数 |
連結 |
人 |
22 |
19 |
25 |
単体 |
14 |
11 |
15 |
女性管理職比率 |
連結 |
% |
13.4 |
13.2 |
15.6 |
単体 |
11.4 |
11.2 |
14.3 |
働きがい認定回数 |
単体 |
回 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
研修受講総時間 |
単体 |
時間 |
21,301 |
23,600 |
21,202 |
パートナー1人当たりの研修受講時間 |
単体 |
時間 |
37.6 |
38.2 |
31.2 |
研修関連費用支出 |
単体 |
万円 |
1,087 |
1,662 |
1,475 |
パートナー1人当たりの平均研修関連費用支出 |
単体 |
万円 |
1.9 |
2.6 |
2.2 |
連結/単体 |
単位 |
2021年9月期 |
2022年9月期 |
2023年9月期 |
離職率 |
連結 |
% |
7.2 |
8.1 |
7.4 |
平均勤続年数 |
単体 |
年 |
4.6 |
4.5 |
5.2 |
男性 |
4.5 |
4.3 |
4.9 |
女性 |
4.8 |
5.2 |
5.7 |
平均残業時間 |
単体 |
時間 |
24.7 |
23.7 |
22.9 |
定期健康診断受診率 |
単体 |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
ストレスチェック受検率 |
単体 |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
年次有給休暇取得率 |
単体 |
% |
58.5 |
69.2 |
77.3 |
介護休業取得者数 |
単体 |
人 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
労災件数(業務労災) |
単体 |
件 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
平均年間給与 |
単体 |
万円 |
955 |
903 |
863 |
連結/単体 |
単位 |
2021年9月期 |
2022年9月期 |
2023年9月期 |
通報件数 |
連結 |
件 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
うち人権侵害やハラスメントに関する違反件数 |
連結 |
件 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Human Development
Basic Policies for the Practice of Management Philosophy
As a member of the GMO Internet Group, "GMO-ism" including the founding principle of "Venture Spirit Declaration" is used in new recruit and management level training, and shared among all partners (employees)by reciting or reading it periodically at meetings and gatherings to apply this principle to steer our conduct.
Based on the belief that "people determine the company", the Company works to enhance the working environment for partners' personal growth and the full realization of their potential that manifests in the business' growth.
Promotion of Human Capital Strategy
A high degree of effectiveness and motivation is secured by sharing the partner's opinions at the Human Resource Strategy Meeting,* a strategic meeting dedicated to human resource issues and attended by all management members convened once a week.
Given the basic stance of "design your own career," the Company supports an individual's growth thorough an annual company-wide survey on employee satisfaction and career design system (career survey), creating dialogue opportunities with partners, leverages the partner's opinions to carry out workstyle reforms, improves the work environment and, facilitates new job assignments and divisional transfers.
* Participants are Executive Vice President, Senior Managing Executive Officer, GMO-EP President, GMO-PS President, GMO-FG President and Human Resources.
Integrated Report "Human Capital Strategy"The employee satisfaction survey utilizes the "Great Place to Work®" questionnaire from the Great Place to Work® Institute Japan ("GPTW Japan"). The Company was selected as "Great Place to Work®" for the 10th consecutive time in the August 2024 certification for "Great Places to Work".
GPTW Japan defines a "Great Place to Work®" as a company where employees, regardless of their position, role, or workplace, trust the company and their leaders, take pride in their work, and share a sense of camaraderie with their colleagues. In approximately 150 countries around the world, companies whose survey results on workplace satisfaction exceed a certain standard are announced as "Great Places to Work."
Going forward, the company will continue striving to create an even greater place to work while also dedicating ourselves to providing safe and reliable services to our customers.
Recruitment and Development Strategy
Basic View
Based on the slogan, "everyone participates in recruitment and talent development," the management team and each and every partner comes together on recruitment and talent development. The Company adopts a scheme for referrals from partners of potential recruits they want to work together with, based on the view that a partner's personality and appeal attracts new talent much like a 'company with magnetism'.
No.1 & STEAM Talent recruitment ~ New grad recruit annual wage ¥7.1 million program
GMO Internet Group, Inc. promotes remote work and business operational efficiency to improve productivity. The profit generated from such activities are fed back to the Group's partners (employees) under the project called "No. 1 in Wages Project from Future Rent Reduction & RPA/AI/robotic implementation."* As part of this project, the Company has launched "No.1 & STEAM Talent Recruit ~ New grad recruit's annual wage of ¥7.1 mil Program" to attract talent with the highest potential among the new graduate generation.
* An initiative to raise the consolidated operating profit margin through profit growth and productivity gains. The funds generated when margins exceed a certain threshold are returned to partners in the form of wages.
Support for Voluntary Career Design
Based on the concept that a company should be the platform for individual growth, implement initiatives to continuously carry out workstyle reforms, including the establishment of proprietary talent development programs and welfare benefits; share its vision with all partners to foster organizational growth; and provide the means to fully deploy its talent.
HR Development
- 360 Degree Evaluation System
System in which a partner can evaluate their line manager anonymously.
- Advisor System
System to support the early development of a business professional by drawing up a development plan and conducting monthly reviews.
- Career Design System
The Company adopts a Career Design System whereby all partners can apply for reassignment and job rotation based on their preference of their own medium-term career design, once a year.
- In-company short-term study program
Available to provide alternative career experience and growth potential to partners as well as vitalize the organizational collaboration and personnel interaction amongst teams.
- One-on-One training
This is a system whereby new grad recruit can select the division and colleague they prefer to work with, by undergoing an OJT period to provide an overview of all the operations at the Company.
- PG Business Training
Training program aimed at skills development to foster business leaders that can lead to a sustainable business growth.
- Management training
Periodic training programs of various themes conducted for all managers to support leadership development. In Fact, the Company has an aggressive HR practice to assign members of the younger generation to key positions and aggressively appoint women to managerial positions.
The Company has a culture where opportunities are available based on ability and performance regardless of age.
For example, a new grad recruit in their 6th year was appointed as General Manager.
Respecting Diversity of Human Resource
The source of a company's comprehensive capabilities and competitiveness is determined by the diversity of its human resources and how well these are leveraged. To realize the aim of sustainable growth, it is important to recruit talent and establish talent development programs to raise the capability of all partners in order to realize our Mission, resolve social challenges through innovative creativity, and create corporate value.
Recruitment activities are based on that individual's comprehensive abilities of thoughts/opinions, passion, and capability and does not consider gender, education, science-oriented or humanities/arts-oriented nor nationality.
Measures to support work-childcare balance have been expanded to include long-term career development such as staggered working hours, shortened working hour system and work-from-home schemes, etc., as well as a full-time kid's room "GMO Bears" (nursery), a specialized consultation desk and subsidies for babysitter use. These measures have enabled women to be actively appointed to managerial positions.
・On-site Childcare Facilities (GMO-Bears)
An on-site childcare facility is available for working parents. There are many partners that commute to work with their children, drop the child at the childcare facility and return home with the child, and the facility can be used by men and women.
・Maternity Leave
Employees can take up to eight working days of leave (Special Paid Leave) before the start of prenatal leave for the purpose of regular health check-ups and for feeling unwell (such as morning sickness).
・Spouse Childbirth Leave
When a partner's spouse is about to give birth, the spouse can take a special paid leave of a maximum of five working days during the 30-day period before and after the day of childbirth, including the day of childbirth. This enables partners to provide support and participation in childbirth labor.
・Childcare Leave
Partners and part-timers can take leave until the child reaches three years of age.
・Parental Care Allowance
This allowance is paid for the purpose of showing appreciation and respect to parents.
・Other Programs
・Family Support System (Pregnancy Support)
・Childbirth Special Payment
External Evaluation
In June 2024, the company was certified as a Childcare Supporting Company (a.k.a. "Platinum Kurumin")* by the Director of the Tokyo Labor Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, in recognition of Initiatives contributing to support for balancing childcare and work as well as respect for diverse human resources.
In addition, the Company received the highest 3-star "Eruboshi" certification for its promotion of empowerment of women from the Director of the Tokyo Labor Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, in July 2023.
*The Company received the "Kurumin" certification in March 2022.
Health and safety
Well Being With Partners
GMO-PG Health Declaration called "Well-being With Partners."
In order for the Company achieve its purpose of "Pursue both spiritual and material prosperity by contributing to the advancement and progress of society," it is indispensable for partners, our foremost colleagues, to grow and unleash their full potential sustainably. The Company therefore supports various programs on "Diet," "Healing," "Movement" and "Medicine" for the maintenance and improvement of health of our partners to express our sincere wish for all partners to achieve happiness.
"Diet":Synergy café "GMO Yours"
At our domestic bases, large communication spaces known as "GMO Yours" are established, offering lunch menus supervised by registered dietitians. In addition, there is a café with a rich variety of drink options, light meals for those who have breakfast or work late into the night, and snacks to nibble on during breaks. Supporting the physical and mental health of our partners.
"Medicine":Promotion of health checkups
Aim for early detection and early treatment for diseases by arranging a system to undergo not only the statutory health checkup but also the various complete medical examination items.
"Medicine":Mental Health Measures
The Company supports the "mental health" and "physical health" with the help of specialist physicians. The health of a partners is undertaken comprehensively not only by that individual but also by the home doctor, occupational physician, affiliated division and HR.
"Medicine":Measures Against Infectious Diseases
In addition to providing assistance for influenza vaccination, free occupational vaccination was also provided during the COVID-19 pandemic for partners within the Group and to their families, friends and important others, as well as contractors, vendors and members of the local business community, by collaborating with the national and local government and medical professions to ensure an suitable vaccination environment.
"Movement":Initiatives to Reduce Long Working Hours
The Company strives to prevent health disabilities of partners by complying with the laws and regulations on working hours and labor standards applicable in countries and regions where businesses are carried out, as well as reducing the total working hours and implementing measures to restrain excessive work.
Specifically, plans are in place to reduce working hours and personnel costs as well as improve productivity by promoting the "Ten-plus Operational Efficiency Project" that utilizes RPA/AI/robots/streaming videos to reduce or make routine operations more efficient. In addition, assessment of actual work, restraint of excessive work and health management is carried out by limiting the monthly overtime hours to 80 hours, in principle, corroborating the office attendance system record with access log, sharing and reminding management and managers of the results of labor status reports accordingly, automatic visualization of alerts at any time for overtime work that exceeds a certain level and providing full-time access to an industrial physician.
Furthermore, thorough understanding of rules are enforced through the Rules for Employees, the guide portal and operation manuals that contain the laws, labor standards and details on various initiatives, which is available to partners for viewing at all times, as well as through training programs.
Going forward, the Company will work to improve the Well-being of partners by not only implementing the initiatives outlined above, but also to make appropriate personnel allocation and to compile work plans prior to the work.
"Movement":Fitness gym "GMO OLYMPIA"
GMO OLYMPIA has the latest machines for various purposes, from aerobic exercise to strength training, and partners can not only do full-scale training but also stretch during breaks to refresh their minds and hold meetings while exercising. It is a gym that can be used in various situations.
Fitness events are also held in the gym area, and GMO OLYMPIA shares the fun of exercise.
"Healing":Massage & nap "GMO Bali Relax"
The Company provides a massage space and a nap space (reservation is required) to allow our partners to focus on their work and show their abilities. At a massage space, we provide professional body care services at a low cost.
Massage & nap "GMO Bali Relax"
"Healing": Nap space "GMO Siesta"
It is hoped that a short nap will help you recover from fatigue, leading to enhanced work efficiency and productivity.
a 20-minute nap is recommended to help our partners clear their minds and create ideas. The company has an environment to allow anyone to take a nap, opening up the conference room to our partners from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
External Evaluation
The Company has been certified for two years consecutively as a Health and Productivity Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category) by The Nippon Kenko Kaigi, an organization administered by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (METI) on March 2024, in recognition of the Company's initiatives to raise literacy, maintain and improve health, mental health measures, excessive work prevention measures and other initiatives on safety management. The Company also acquired the Silver Certificate for "excellent health company" from the Tokyo Federation of the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies on September 2023 and was certified as an "Excellent Safety and Health Company" by the Director-General of the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on May 2024.
Labor Standards
Management-Labor Relations
The Company honors the right of assembly and the right to collective bargaining of partners. The representative employee is selected with a vote of confidence based on a candidacy system. The selected representative employees for each region in Japan primarily work to ensure an amicable management-labor relation and to build a motivating work environment for all employees through activities such as concluding labor agreements, revision of internal rules including labor regulations, implementation of Health Committee and activities to prevent labor accidents, etc.
Payment of Appropriate Wages
The basic policy is to distribute wages that not only comply with minimum wage standards of that country/region where the business activity takes place, but also for wages to be competitive and exceed the living wage level.
The Company has initiated the "No.1 & STEAM Personnel Recruitment: The New Recruit Annual Salary ¥7.1Million Program" for the starting wages for new graduates, in order to attract personnel with the highest potential among new graduates.
Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights
The Company supports and upholds the international norms of the UN International Bill of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, the Company will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights through internal rules and Employees' Code of Conduct that all partners (employees) must adhere to, which stipulates the respect for basic human rights and principles that prohibit any discriminative treatment. We uphold equal opportunity and respect for diversity in accordance with the Venture Spirit Declaration as a member of the GMO Internet Group, which states that "we do not tolerate prejudice on the grounds of race, nationality, gender, educational background, language, religion, or any other factors. We value people for their ability and merits." Furthermore, the Company strives to secure fair and equitable labor conditions by convening forums to foster mutual understanding with partners when necessary.
Whistle-Blower System
The Company has established a whistle-blower system for consultation and reporting of behaviors that violative occupational ethics such as harassment, violations of laws and regulations and internal rules, for the purpose of thoroughly enforcing compliance. This system can be used by all partners of GMO-PG and its consolidated group of companies, contractors and vendors. External Directors, external attorneys and specialized staff respond to the consultation and reports received and a fair and objective investigation is carried out whilst protecting the secrecy and anonymity of the whistle-blower. Adequate systems are in place to implement appropriate measures based on the investigation as necessary such as convening the Disciplinary Committee, reporting to Risk Management Commit such as convening the Disciplinary Committee, reporting to Risk Management Committee and/or Board of Directors and implementing recurrence prevention measures, etc. In addition, the Risk & Compliance Division conducts training periodically to all partners, including managerial level staff, on prevention of harassment and how to make appropriate responses when a harassment report has been filed, etc.
Co-existence with the Community
The Company strives to find harmony with the community, both local and global, as a good corporate citizen and also strives to sustainably raise corporate value through the relationship of trust built with our stakeholders. In addition, the Company endeavors to create a sustainable society by actively promoting social contribution for the realization of a prosperous and comfortably livable global community. All the consolidated global companies of GMO-PG will work to deepen the contribution to the priority areas of international exchanges (community contribution), education (talent development), and environment, and not just on economic contribution, including involving employee participation in these endeavors.
As a member of the GMO Internet Group, we uphold the principle of conduct of Venture Spirit Declaration, which stipulates that "We aim to redefine the industry and foster a vibrant Internet culture. We believe in the importance of contributing to society and as a group, we continually seek to inspire enthusiasm in our customers and put smiles on their faces."
Community Initiatives
・Revitalization of local economies in Japan
The Company aids in revitalizing local economies by expanding the "Mobile Gift Certificate Platform byGMO" service, which enables the digitalization of gift certificates issued by local governments.
In addition, the Company is working to revitalize the local community by developing a cashless environment for the local area and its business operators and is partnering with local governments and local businesses where offices are located to carry out environmental beautification activities such as cleaning on a regular basis.
・Promoting Financial Inclusion Overseas
The Company is promoting investments and loans to FinTech companies advancing financial inclusion and thereby contributing to the local community primarily in Southeast Asia and India. Additionally, the Company strives to contribute to the advancement of small-to-medium sized business operators and improving living standards of the middle class by providing services such as P2P lending platform, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), microfinance, and other financial services that leverage technology.
Provide impact finance to FinTech companies (microfinance) that promote financial inclusionEmployment Promotion
・Local Recruitment
The Company is actively recruiting highly skilled local talent in order to expand the Payment Processing Business and Money Service Business in the 8 countries spanning Japan, Asia, and North America. In addition, the Company is working to localize business operations through local procurement of the necessary services required to expand our businesses, such as collaborations with the local financial institutions and payment processing companies.
・Employment Promotion for People with Disabilities through GMO Dream Wave Inc.,a specified subsidiary
We are promoting employment for people with disabilities across the entire group. In particular, at our Miyazaki office, we are proactively promoting employment through GMO Dream Wave Inc.,a specified subsidiary.
In addition to creating jobs for people with disabilities, we are working to expand opportunities for diverse human resources to play an active role and create a comfortable work environment, and we are striving to achieve the legally mandated employment ratio for people with disabilities as stipulated in the Law for the Promotion of Employment of People with Disabilities.
Social Data
Respecting Diversity of Human Resource
Consolidated / Non-consolidated |
Unit |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
FY2024 |
No. of partners |
Consolidated |
Persons |
714 |
799 |
825 |
of which, |
Persons |
244 |
249 |
263 |
% |
34.2 |
31.2 |
31.9 |
Total number of |
Consolidated |
Persons |
105 |
154 |
77 |
of which, |
Persons |
33 |
42 |
26 |
Total number of |
Persons |
23 |
28 |
16 |
of which, |
Persons |
10 |
8 |
5 |
Total number of |
Persons |
82 |
126 |
61 |
of which, |
Persons |
23 |
34 |
21 |
Non-full time employees |
Consolidated |
Persons |
21 |
18 |
24 |
Average age |
Non-consolidated |
Age |
35.3 |
35.4 |
36.3 |
Employee ratio of disabled persons |
Consolidated |
% |
2.3 |
2.3 |
2.3 |
Number of child care leave users |
Male |
Non-consolidated |
Persons |
4 |
8 |
19 |
Female |
Persons |
16 |
9 |
11 |
Percentage of |
Male |
Non-consolidated |
% |
40.0 |
40.0 |
70.3 |
Female |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Return rate after childcare leave |
Male |
Non-consolidated |
% |
100 |
100 |
94.7 |
Female |
% |
85.7 |
92.9 |
84.6 |
Support for Voluntary Career Design
Consolidated / Non-consolidated |
Unit |
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
Women managers |
Consolidated |
Persons |
22 |
19 |
25 |
Non-consolidated |
14 |
11 |
15 |
Ratio of Women in Managerial Positions |
Consolidated |
% |
13.4 |
13.2 |
15.6 |
Non-consolidated |
11.4 |
11.2 |
14.3 |
Number of Great Place to Work certifications |
Non-consolidated |
No. of certifications |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Total training hours undergone by partners |
Non-consolidated |
Hours |
21,301 |
23,600 |
21,202 |
Average hours of training per partner |
Non-consolidated |
Hours |
37.6 |
38.2 |
31.2 |
Total cost for training |
Non-consolidated |
Thousands of yen |
10,870 |
16,620 |
14,750 |
Average training cost per partner |
Non-consolidated |
Thousands of yen |
19 |
26 |
22 |
Well Being With Partners
Consolidated / Non-consolidated |
Unit |
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
Employee turnover rate |
Consolidated |
% |
7.2 |
8.1 |
7.4 |
Average years of employment |
Non-consolidated |
Years |
4.6 |
4.5 |
5.2 |
Male |
4.5 |
4.3 |
4.9 |
Female |
4.8 |
5.2 |
5.7 |
Average hours of overtime |
Non-consolidated |
Hours |
24.7 |
23.7 |
22.9 |
Percentage of |
Non-consolidated |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Stress check examination rate |
Non-consolidated |
% |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Percentage of |
Non-consolidated |
% |
58.5 |
69.2 |
77.3 |
Number of family-care leave users |
Non-consolidated |
Persons |
1 |
0 |
0 |
No. of labor accidents (work related accidents) |
Non-consolidated |
Cases |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Average annual wages |
Non-consolidated |
Millions |
955 |
903 |
863 |
Whistle-Blower System
Consolidated / Non-consolidated |
Unit |
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
No. of labor accidents (work related accidents) |
Consolidated |
Cases |
0 |
0 |
1 |
of which, |
Consolidated |
Cases |
0 |
0 |
0 |