
Response to Climate Change (Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations)

As a leading company in the payment industry, we are promoting payment services such as cashless billing that eliminates the need for cash, paperless transfer forms, and digitization of billing. We are also working to reduce GHG emissions in our business and supply chains by promoting the introduction of effectively renewable enegy into data center power that processes transaction data and supplier engagement. We will strive to reduce the environmental impact of our customers and society through such environmentally friendly business operations, and aim to shift to a decarbonized society and realize a sustainable society.
In January 2023, we announced our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Based on the TCFD recommendations, we will continue to expand our disclosure of information on climate change.


The person responsible for climate change issues on the Board of Directors is the Director Executive Vice President in charge of planning and is responsible for reflecting all environment-related issues in the Company's Management Strategy and management objectives. The management team, including President & Chief Executive Officer and Director Executive Vice President, discusses policies related to sustainability activities, including climate change, deliberates on plans, reviews progress, and reports the progress of operations to the Board of Directors, and promotes measures based on the feedback received. In addition, the Board of Directors receives regular reports on the results of discussions and verifications by the Risk Management Committee, and monitors climate-related issues related to the entire company, their impact on business, and the status of responses.


Using the scenario analysis method recommended by the TCFD recommendations, we identify risks and opportunities that future climate change may affect our business. Referring to scenarios from IPCC, IEA, and other organizations, we have set scenarios that assume changes in the natural and social environment surrounding our company, and have identified risks and opportunities related to climate change.

Hypothetical scenario

1.5°C Scenario
・Rapid progress toward reducing CO2 emissions due to the transition to a decarbonized society
・Tightening of regulations on carbon pricing, etc.
・Changes in needs based on increased environmental awareness among stakeholders

4.0°C Scenario
・Progress of global warming due to the lack of progress in strengthening laws and regulations for climate change countermeasures
・Intensification of natural disasters due to rising temperatures, increase in sea level rise, and increase in abnormal weather

Risks and Opportunities Related to Climate Change


Risks and Opportunities



Transition Risks

Policy &
Laws and regulations

・Increase in business costs due to the introduction of a carbon tax

Long term

・Introduction of effectively renewable enegy to major data center power

Markets &

・Loss of business opportunities due to inability to meet customer needs for reducing environmental impact

Long term


・Decline in reputation from stakeholders due to inadequate response to climate change issues, increase in recruitment and financing costs

Short- and medium-term

・Promote disclosure of ESG information

Physical Risks


・Increase in electricity costs due to an increase in air conditioning load at data centers due to a rise in average temperature

Long term

・Improving the efficiency of data centers

・Impact on business operations due to the spread of storm and flood damage and infectious diseases due to the rise in average temperature

Long term

・Selection of data center locations that are less susceptible to damage
・Redundancy of system configurations, multiplexing and decentralization of data centers
・Formulation of business continuity plans


・Suspension of operations and services due to the collapse of data centers, loss of data, and human damage due to abnormal weather or natural disasters

Short- and medium-term


Markets &

・Due to the growing social demand for environmentally friendly management, there is an increase in demand for services provided by the Company that promote online, cashless, and paperless operations.

Long term

・Implementation of current strategies such as DX support


・Improvement of stakeholder recognition and corporate value through active involvement in climate change issues

Short- and medium-term

・Promote disclosure of ESG information

Risk Management

In recent years, as the issue of climate change has become more serious, our services may also have an impact on global resources and the climate due to CO2 emissions associated with electricity energy consumption. Through the activities of the Risk Management Committee, we conduct integrated consideration and response to disaster risks, including climate change.
In order to incorporate climate-related risks into our company-wide risk management and implement them effectively and efficiently, we hold a Risk Management Committee meeting once a quarter. Risk events are evaluated numerically on six levels on two scales, namely the degree of impact and frequency of occurrence on a monetary basis, and after assessing and selecting assumed risks and general risks across the company by certain executives within the company, risk events that exceed a certain level are considered to be serious risks, and countermeasures are considered and implemented in each department.
Measures to deal with serious risks examined and implemented in this flow are examined by the department in charge based on the opinions of external experts, inspected and discussed by the Risk Management Committee, and reported to the Board of Directors.

Metrics and Targets

In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, we are promoting initiatives to reduce GHG emissions. In the fiscal year ended September 2022, we introduced effectively renewable enegy to power our major data centers, which consume the majority of electricity in our business, and achieved our goal of reducing the GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) of our operations, including other data centers and offices, to effectively zero in the fiscal year ending September 2023. As we move toward the fiscal year ending September 2030, we will continue to implement GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) effectively zero.
In terms of GHG emissions (Scope 3) derived from our supply chain, we have set a target of reducing Scope 3 emissions (Categories 1 and 11) per new payment handset by 55% by the fiscal year ending September 2030 compared to the fiscal year ended September 2021. These targets are in line with the Paris Agreement.
In order to achieve our targets, we are engaged with suppliers to reduce GHG emissions (Categories 1 and 11) related to the purchase and use of payment handset products and GHG emissions (Category 2) related to software development, which are required to provide Card Present Transactions, which accounts for the majority of GHG emissions (Scope 3).
Specifically, we are engaged in dialogue with payment handset manufacturers to appropriately measure and reduce power consumption during GHG emissions and Card Present Transactions related to handset manufacturing.
Similarly, we are engaged in dialogue with our business partner system development company to appropriately measure and reduce GHG emissions (Category 2) related to software development.

In May 2024, our GHG reduction targets were certified by the SBT Initiative, a global organization that encourages companies to set science-based climate targets, as being consistent with the 1.5°C target. As a result, our GHG reduction targets have been proven to be scientifically consistent with the "1.5°C target" of the Paris Agreement, which was adopted as a new international framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2020 onward, which aims to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

SBT Initiative Mark

Goals for which we received this certification
・Scope 1 and 2: Achieve GHG emissions effectively zero continuously until the fiscal year ending September 2030
・Scope 3: Reduce GHG emissions * per payment new handset in operation by 55% by the fiscal year ending September 2030 compared to the fiscal year ended September 2021.

*Covers the majority of our Scope 3 payment Refers to purchased goods and services (Category 1) and the use of sold products (Category 11) related to terminal products.

GHG emissions

(Unit: t-CO2)

Fiscal Year Ended September 2019

Fiscal Year Ended September 2020

Fiscal Year Ended September 2021

Fiscal Year Ended September 2022

Fiscal Year Ending September 2023

Scope1 *1






Scope2 *2

Market Criteria






Location Criteria






Scope3 *3






Category 1:
Purchased products and services






Category 2: Capital goods






Category 3: Fuels and
Energy-related activities



Not applicable



Category 4:
Transportation and distribution (upstream)






Category 5:
Waste from business activities






Category 6: Business Trips






Category 7: Employer commuting






Category 8:
lease assets (upstream)



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 9:
Transportation and distribution (downstream)




Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 10:
Processing of sold products



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 11:
Use of sold products






Category 12:
Disposal of sold products



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 13:
lease assets (downstream)



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 14:



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Category 15: Investments






*Calculated based on the power consumption of data centers and offices of our major companies
*1 Scope 1: Emissions emitted by the company itself GHG emissions
*2 Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions of purchased electricity, heat, etc.
*3 Scope 3: GHG emissions of other companies related to the Company's activities

GHG emissions Trends

GHG emissions Trends

Third-Party Assurance

In order to ensure the reliability of the content of the GHG emissions reports, we have received third-party assurance from SOCOTEC Certification Japan.

・Scope 1 and 2 (Actual for the fiscal year ending September 2023)

・Scope 3 (Actual for the fiscal year ending September 2023)

Energy-Saving Initiatives

Data Centers
We incorporate power-efficient CPU selection, server architecture, server virtualization, rack location, and air conditioning airflow to ensure efficient power consumption and efficient space utilization. In addition, from the fiscal year ended September 2022, we have improved our operations to measure actual power consumption and recognize accurate power consumption.

Office buildings
We have introduced control management of lighting and air conditioning in the office, such as turning them off automatically depending on the time, and an outside air system to reduce the loss of cold and heated air, which leads to energy conservation. In winter, when the outside air temperature is higher than the indoor temperature setting, the outside air cooling system is used to reduce the power consumption of the air conditioner by taking in outside air instead of from the air conditioner, thereby reducing the environmental impact by saving power.

Contributing to the decarbonization of society

Promotion of cashless payments with low environmental impact

Through the promotion of cashless payments, we will contribute not only to the reduction of GHG emissions from our business, but also to the reduction of GHG emissions in society as a whole. Cash payment emits CO₂ in the manufacturing, payment, use, and disposal processes of banknotes, coins, ATMs, etc. According to an analysis published by the Cashless Promotion Council, to which we are a member, the CO₂ emissions of cashless payment are estimated to be about one-third of that of cash payment, confirming that cashless use has a lower environmental impact. Similarly, in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, research results have been published that CO₂ emissions can be reduced by promoting cashless payments.

Cashless Roadmap 2023 / From the Cashless Promotion Council
At payment per 1,000 yen, cashless CO2 emissions are 0.34g

In this edition of the Cashless Roadmap 2023, we used a variety of publicly available data to estimate the carbon footprint of cashless and cash use.
Since the calculation was made without sufficient data, it cannot necessarily be said that it is an accurate value, but at least in this estimate, we were able to obtain the result that the carbon dioxide emissions related to cash use were "1.06g" for 1,000 yen payment, while "0.34g" for cashless use. Based on this calculation, we were able to confirm that cashless use has a lower environmental impact in daily payment. As a result, we were able to confirm that using cashless is a more environmentally friendly action.

Cash and cashless
Comparison of carbon dioxide emissions (per 1,000 yen)

Comparison of carbon dioxide emissions of cash and cashless (per 1,000 yen)

Source: Cashless Roadmap 2023 / Cashless Promotion Council


Promoting Paperless Payments

We support merchants to go paperless through the digitalization of invoice and other services.

Promoting Paperless Payments



Resolving Social Challenges through Services with Low Environmental Footprint

Response to climate change (information disclosure based on TCFD recommendations)

The Company promotes online, cashless and paperless migration, which has a low environmental footprint compared to conventional payment services. In addition, financial-related services such as lending, is offered to domestic and overseas operators involved in online and FinTech services that have a similarly low environmental footprint as the Company. Through such services, we aim to achieve the decarbonization of society and our customers and the transition to a carbon-free sustainable society.
In January 2023, the company endorsed the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) recommendations.
The company will continue to work to expand climate change-related information disclosure as per TCFD recommendations.


The executive vice president bears responsibility for climate change issues at the Board and to reflect/incorporate all environment related issues to the Company's management strategy and management targets. The management team including the president and executive vice president carries out deliberations on policies related to sustainability activities, reviews the progress, evaluates plans, reports the progress to the Board and compiles measures to reflect the feedback received. In addition, the Board receives periodic reports from the Risk Management Committee on its discussions, verifications and findings to help the Board monitor the responses and impact of climate related issues on the overall Company.


Based on scenario analysis methods recommended by the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Company identifies those potential risks and opportunities arising from future climate change. By referring scenarios presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPC) and International Energy Agency (IEA), we have identified the climate change related risks and opportunities based on scenarios related to changes in natural and social environments.

Estimated scenario (1.5℃ scenario)

Rapid progress in the reduction of CO2 emissions arising from the transition to a decarbonized society

  • Regulatory tightening from carbon pricing, etc.
  • Changes in needs from heightened environmental awareness by stakeholders

Risks and Opportunities Associated with Climate Change

Classification Risks and opportunities Timeline Initiatives
Transition risk Policy,
・Increase in cost of business from implementation of carbon tax Medium-to long term ・Implementation of what is effectively renewable energy Market, at major data centers
・Loss of business opportunity from inability to fulfill the client's needs for reducing environmental burden Medium-to long term
Evaluation ・Increase in fund procurement cost, recruitment cost and negative evaluation from stakeholders from being regarded as insufficiently responding to climate change issues Short-to medium term ・Promote ESG-related information disclosure
Physical risk Chronic ・Increase in electricity cost from higher burden on air-conditioning caused by the rise in average temperatures Medium-to long term ・Improve efficiency at data centers
・Impact to operations from spread of infectious diseases and wind/water disasters due to rise in average temperatures Medium-to long term ・Select data center locations less impacted by natural disasters
・Redundancy configuration of systems, dispersion and multiplexing of data centers
・Compilation of business continuity plans (BCP)
Acute ・Suspension of operations and services due to personnel loss, data loss and/or damage to data centers caused by abnormal weather and natural disasters Short-to medium term
Opportunity Market,
・Increase in demand for the Company's services that enables online, cashless and paperless migration due to the increase in social demand for environmentally conscious management Medium-to long term ・Pursue current strategy of DX support
Evaluation ・Rise in corporate value and improved evaluation from stakeholders from aggressive involvement to tackle climate change problems Short-to medium term ・Promote ESG-related information disclosure

Risk Management

Recent years have seen a worsening of climate change issues, and services offered by the Company may also be impacting the climate and natural resources through CO2 emissions from electric power consumption. To combat this issue, the Risk Management Committee comprehensively undertakes an assessment of and response to natural disaster risks, including climate change.
The Company convenes the Risk Management Committee once every quarter to implement measures effectively and efficiently by incorporating climate related risks into the overall risk management. Risk incidents are classified into six categories according to the quantitative evaluation based on two metrics of monetary impact and frequency of occurrence. The foreseeable risks and general risks are evaluated and selected across the Company by employees above a certain position. Of those, risk incidents that exceed a certain threshold are designated as material risk, and each Division must consider and implement responses.
Consideration and response to the material risk is further deliberated by the relevant Division after incorporating the opinions of external experts. This is examined and debated at the Risk Management Committee and reported to the Board.

Indicators and Targets

In order to contribute to realizing a sustainable society, the Company is undertaking initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to business activities. In FY2022, the Company implemented what is effectively renewable energy for electric power consumptions at major data centers, which consume the bulk of business-use electricity. The Company will achieve zero GHG emissions (under Scope 1+2) in its operations, including offices and all other data centers, by FY2023.
In addition, in order to carry out supply chain engagements, the Company has commenced discussions with payment terminal manufacturers to assess GHG emissions during the manufacturing process and the appropriate measurement of electric power consumption at the time of offline payment, in order to accurately measure GHG emissions of payment terminals which constitute the bulk of Scope 3 emissions.

GHG Emissions

(Unit:t-CO2) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope1 *1 0 0 0 0
Scope2 *2 Market-based 1,559 1,736 1,883 308
Location-based - - - 929
Scope3 *3 - - 24,015 22,462
Category1(product procurement and services) 15,178 10,240
Category2(Capital Goods) 5,181 8,439
Category11(use of products sold) - - 3,344 3,418
Other - - 312 365

* Note: Compiled from electric power usage at offices and data centers of major GMO-PG consolidated companies
*1 Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources
*2 Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, heating and cooling, etc.
*3 Scope 3: All other indirect emissions that occur related to the Company's activities

Trend of GHG Emissions

Trend of GHG Emissions

Third Party Certification

In order to ensure the reliability of GHG Emission, the Company has obtained an independent third-party certification from SOCOTEC Certification Japan.

・Scope 1/Scope 2
・Scope 3

Initiatives to Counter Climate Change

The Company supports the merchant's migration to paperless operations by providing services to digitalize invoices.

paperless operations

Support the digitalization of electric bill payment promoted by TEPCO Energy Partner Co., Ltd.

Expansion of "GMO Payment After Delivery" and "Electronic Barcode Type" that do not require paper invoice