Ginko Pay adopted as a payment method on TOYOTA's smartphone payment app TOYOTA Walletトヨタが提供するスマートフォン向け決済アプリ「TOYOTA Wallet」の




GMOインターネットグループにおいて、総合的な決済関連サービス及び金融関連サービスを展開するGMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社(東証一部:証券コード 3769、代表取締役社長:相浦 一成 以下、GMO-PG)が基盤システムを提供する「銀行Pay」は、トヨタ自動車株式会社(代表取締役社長:豊田 章男)・トヨタファイナンシャルサービス株式会社(代表取締役社長:福留 朗裕)・トヨタファイナンス株式会社(代表取締役社長:西 利之)の3社(以下、トヨタ)が本日2019年11月19日(火)より展開する、複数の支払い手段を搭載するスマートフォン決済アプリ「TOYOTA Wallet」の決済方法に採用されました。

「TOYOTA Wallet」の決済方法に「銀行Pay」が採用


トヨタでは、スマートフォンとモバイルネットワークはコネクティッド戦略を実現する中核技術として重要な役割を果たしていくという考えのもと、消費者の日常決済の利便性向上及びモビリティ社会の基盤づくりへの貢献を目指し、決済アプリ「TOYOTA Wallet」の提供を開始しました。
「TOYOTA Wallet」は複数の支払い手段を搭載するスマートフォン決済アプリで、決済方法の一つとして、GMO-PGが基盤システムを提供する「銀行Pay」が採用されました。
「TOYOTA Wallet」への「銀行Pay」搭載は、株式会社三井住友銀行(頭取CEO:髙島 誠)が展開する、「銀行Pay」の基盤システムを活用した「事業者型Pay(※1)」の利用により実現しています。そのため、「銀行Pay」のマルチバンク決済機能(銀行間の相互乗り入れ)により、「TOYOTA Wallet」で「銀行Pay」の支払いを選択するユーザーは、マルチバンク対応の「銀行Pay」加盟店で順次ご利用可能となる予定です。


【「TOYOTA Wallet」について】

「TOYOTA Wallet」は、プリペイド型電子マネー「TOYOTA Wallet残高」、クレジット型サービス「TOYOTA TS CUBIC Origami Pay」、デビット型サービス「銀行Pay」という3つの支払い手段を搭載した、スマートフォン決済アプリです。「TOYOTA Wallet」利用者は、用途に合わせて自由に決済手段を選ぶことが可能です。


(URL: https://www.gmo-pg.com/service/ginkopay/

「銀行Pay」を導入している銀行に口座を持つ利用者は、利用者向けスマホアプリをダウンロードし、自分の口座を事前に登録しておくことで、加盟店でのお買い物の際、加盟店のタブレット端末やスマホに表示されたQRコードを読み取るMPM(Merchant Presented Mode)方式か、利用者のスマホに表示されたQRコードやバーコードを加盟店のQRコード・バーコードリーダーで読み取るCPM(Consumer Presented Mode)方式により、銀行口座から代金が引き落としされ、支払いが完了いたします(※3)




GMO-PG コーポレートサイト
URL : https://corp.gmo-pg.com/
GMO-PG サービスサイト
URL : https://www.gmo-pg.com/
企業価値創造戦略 統括本部
グループコミュニケーション部 広報担当 石井
戦略事業統括部 スマートペイ事業部

【GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社】(URL: https://corp.gmo-pg.com/

会社名 GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社 (東証第一部 証券コード:3769)
所在地 東京都渋谷区道玄坂1丁目14番6号 ヒューマックス渋谷ビル
代表者 代表取締役社長 相浦 一成
事業内容 ■総合的な決済関連サービス及び金融関連サービス
資本金 47億12百万円

【GMOインターネット株式会社】(URL: https://www.gmo.jp/

会社名 GMOインターネット株式会社(東証第一部 証券コード:9449)
所在地 東京都渋谷区桜丘町26番1号 セルリアンタワー
代表者 代表取締役会長兼社長・グループ代表 熊谷 正寿
事業内容 ■インターネットインフラ事業
資本金 50億円


November 19, 2019

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (GMO-PG) of the GMO Internet Group, which develops comprehensive payment-related services and financial-related services, will have its Ginko Pay base system offered as a payment method on TOYOTA Wallet, a smartphone app that offers a range of payments methods from November 19, 2019. TOYOTA Wallet is a service offered by the three companies of Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Financial Services Corporation, and Toyota Finance Corporation (jointly referred to as TOYOTA).

Ginko Pay to be onboarded on TOYOTA Wallet's payment methods

【Background and Overview】

TOYOTA launched the TOYOTA Wallet payment app with an aim to contribute in building a mobility-based society and realizing seamless payments in consumer's daily lives, based on the important function of smartphones and mobile networks in their Connected strategy.
TOYOTA Wallet is a smartphone payment app that allows multiple payment methods, and Ginko Pay, the base system offered by GMO-PG, has been adopted in the line-up of payment methods.
TOYOTA Wallet has realized the inclusion of Ginko Pay by using the Enterprise-version Pay*1, which uses the base system of Ginko Pay and marketed by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Going forward, we plan to rollout out this service at Ginko Pay-accepting merchants that are multi-bank enabled for users who select to pay by Ginko Pay on their TOYOTA Wallet, by using the "multi-bank payment function" (interlinking of banks).

*1 A service whereby business operators can offer this payment function by embedding the Ginko Pay into their respective smartphone app service.

【TOYOTA Wallet】

TOYOTA Wallet is a smartphone payment app that offers the three payment methods of "TOYOTA e-money" which uses a prepaid balance, "TOYOTA TS CUBIC Origami Pay," a virtual credit card and, "Ginko Pay," a debit type service. Users can choose the type of payment methods from TOYOTA Wallet that best suits their needs.

【Ginko Pay】

(URL: https://www.gmo-pg.com/en/service/ginkopay/

The Ginko Pay, co-developed*2 with Yokohama Bank in 2016 and marketed by GMO-PG, is a smartphone app whereby payments can be made by an immediate debit from the bank account. Financial institutions can launch their proprietary smartphone payment apps by using the Ginko Pay base system, and also offer services beyond the bank's/region's service coverage by crosslinking with other banks that have also adopted this system.
For account holders of the bank that have implemented Ginko Pay, users need only to download the smartphone app and pre-register their bank account, to be able to make purchases at merchants either by MPM (Merchant Presented Mode: where the customer reads the QR code displayed on the merchant's tablet/smartphone) or by CPM (Consumer Presented Mode: where the merchant uses a reader to read the QR/bar code displayed on the smartphone of the consumer), and the purchase amount is immediately debited from their bank account to complete the transaction*3.

  • *2 Reference: "A First for Japanese Banks: GMO-PG Jointly Develops Smartphone Payment Services linked with Accounts at Bank of Yokohama," announced on October 5, 2016.
    (URL: https://corp.gmo-pg.com/en/newsroom/pdf/161005_gmo_pg_en.pdf
  • *3 The method to read the QR/bar code may differ depending on the financial institution or merchant.

【GMO Payment Gateway】

GMO-PG is Japan's leading provider of comprehensive payment-related services and financial services to more than 100,000 merchants consisting of EC operators as well as non-EC operators such as NHK and public institutions such as National Tax Agency and Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Total transaction value exceeds ¥4 trillion, mainly from the core payment processing service as well as value-added services that contribute to the merchant's growth. (GMO-PG consolidated companies total, as of end-September, 2019)
GMO-PG is expanding businesses to include offline payment processing that would encompass IoT, and Fintech services such as lending, Payment after Delivery and solutions to financial institutions; all of which are expected to contribute to drive Japan's cashless. We are also pursuing global expansion through capital alliances with overseas firms and through rolling out our PSP and financial services in overseas markets.
GMO-PG aims to be the highly-secure, comprehensive and convenient payment processing infrastructure in Japan by continuing to lead the innovations.

【Related Links】

GMO-PG (Company Profile)
URL : https://corp.gmo-pg.com/en/
GMO-PG (Service)
URL : https://www.gmo-pg.com/en/

(In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the English version, the Japanese version shall prevail.)

【Press Inquiries】
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
Corporate Value Creation Strategy Division
GMO Internet, Inc.
Group Communication Department
Group Investor/Public Relations Team
【Service Inquiries】
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
Innovation Partners Division
SmartPay Business Department

※QR code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.