経営戦略Management Strategy
日本のEC化率は、欧米先進国と比べて依然低い水準にあり、日本の物流網の整備や日常生活へのサブスクリプションの浸透、Online Merges with Offline(OMO)の導入により、中長期的なEC市場の拡大が見込まれます。
* 経済産業省「令和4年度 内外一体の経済成長戦略構築にかかる国際経済調査事業(電子商取引に関する市場調査) 」、米国勢調査局 "The 3rd Quarter 2023 Retail E-Commerce Sales Report"、 英国国家統計庁 "Retail Sales Index internet sales, January 2024"
国内外のキャッシュレス比率(対民間最終消費支出比)*1 *2
*1 内閣府「国民経済計算」、一般社団法人クレジット協会「日本のクレジット統計」、日本銀行「決済動向」、一般社団法人キャッシュレス推進協議会「コード決済利用動向調査」
*2 日本/韓国/イギリス/アメリカ:一般社団法人キャッシュレス推進協議会「キャッシュレス・ロードマップ2023」、台湾:国家発展委員会、台湾は2019年、韓国/イギリス/アメリカは2021年、日本は2022年実績
* 売上収益は連結消去前、 TL:トランザクションレンディング
(As of FY2023)
Management Targets
GMO-PG and its consolidated subsidiaries emphasizes an operating profit growth rate of 25% as a management performance indicator.
GMO-PG and its consolidated subsidiaries continues to make medium- to long-term investments in order to achieve the 25% operating profit growth rate, with a track record of achieving 25.0% YoY operating profit growth in FY2023.As a company vested to build the payment infrastructure for the online (mainly EC market) and offline markets, we will endeavor to create a safe and convenient EC and cashless environment that contributes to raise EC penetration, promote Digital Transformation (DX) adoption and raise cashless penetration in Japan. In addition, GMO-PG and its consolidated subsidiaries will continually strive to scale up by launching new businesses, forging business and capital alliances with other business partners, establish subsidiaries and pursue overseas expansion.
Positioning in Growth Markets
Expansion of EC market
EC market is expected to expand over the medium-to-long term with the development of logistics networks, penetration of subscription services in daily lives and implementation of Online-Merges-with-Offline (OMO), as Japan's EC penetration rates still remains lower than developed countries such as US and Europe.
EC Penetration Rates in Developed Markets*
* METI "FY2022 Global Survey Project Concerning Integrated Domestic and External Economic Growth Strategy Building (E-Commerce market survey)", U.S. Bureau of the Census "The 2nd Quarter 2023 Retail E-Commerce Sales Report", U.K. Office for National Statistics "Retail Sales Index internet sales, October 2023"
Progress of cashless migration
Japan's cashless payment market is on an expansionary path, given the need to cater to inbound tourist and government's policy.
Still, current cashless payment penetration remains low compared to developed countries of US and Europe, and therefore holds growth potential in the medium-to-long term as the means to resolve the social issues faced by Japan such as depopulation and regional revitalization.
Cashless Penetration (ratio of private final consumption) *1 *2
*1 Cabinet Office "System of National Accounts", Japan Consumer Credit Association's Credit Card Statistics, Bank Of Japan's Payment and Settlement Statistics, Payments Japan Association's Code Payment Statistics
*2 Figures for Japan, South Korea, UK and USA are excerpts from Payments Association Japan's "Cashless Roadmap 2023." Figures for Taiwan are from National Development Council and figures.
Actual figures for Taiwan are up to 2019, 2021 for South Korea, UK and USA and, 2022 for Japan.
Expansion of business domains
After commencing its business as a specialized credit card payment processing company, The Company expanded its scope of business and is currently making inroads into markets. The Company will strive to expand its businesses and create new value.
Revenue trend by consolidated subsidiary and/or service*
* Figures represented are before adjustments and eliminations.
Group management strategies of GMO Internet Group
GMO Internet Group aims for group management through "decentralization of authority" and "creation of group synergy.
In other words, to adapt to the rapidly changing internet market, each company within the group selects its area of expertise, focuses its management resources on that area, aims to become No. 1, and operates independently.
Within the group, GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. is responsible for the payment business.
And based on the shared and thorough implementation of "GMOism," which is the company's philosophy and principles within the GMO Internet Group, we are growing while creating group synergy.