私たちについてWho We Are






  • 市場を開拓・創造する強い意思と誠実かつ公明正大な事業展開により、社会の進歩発展に貢献します。

  • 同志とは、信じあえる高潔な役職員、お客様、及びお取引いただいている事業関連者を指します。

  • 当社役職員は、豊かな心、真の問題解決力、高い専門性を発揮し、お客様と価値の交換を行う事により、心物両面の豊かさを追求します。



「Global leadership、Business model、Ownership model」

  • 高い志を持った同士で、日本を牽引し、やがて世界に新しい価値を示していく、会社。

  • 30年スパンで成長し続ける、世界のプロ投資家が評価する、将来性が突出して高い、会社。

  • 若くしてチャレンジできる=任され、オーナーシップが持てる=驚異的速度で成長できる、会社。





  • 先進性:製品の技術的優位性の確保に努めます。

  • 柔軟性:成長市場でのスピード感のある提案活動を実践します。


  • 独自性:お客様視点のサービスを通じて存在意義の確保に努めます。

  • 収益性:収益性向上の追求により競合他社を圧倒し業界での地位を揺るぎないものといたします。

  • 自主性・教育:自己完結度の高いビジネスマンを目指し、成果、姿勢、マインド全ての面で見本となります。


  • 社会性:健全なビジネスに徹し、多様な決済手段における未開拓市場を積極的に開拓し続けます。

  • 合理性:経済合理性を常に念頭に置き公平な立場で経営判断を迅速に下していきます。


  • 資本効率を意識し株主価値の向上に努めます。積極的なIR活動を行い、投資家様向けに適宜、適切な情報提供を行います。





We share the common philosophy, mindset and code of conduct of GMO Payment Gateway group. These form the bedrock of our corporate activities that contribute to the advancement and progress of society as well as to sustain a 25% operating profit growth.

Contribute to the advancement and progress of society and sustain a 25% operating profit growth.


Management Philosophy

We Pursue Both Spiritual and Material Prosperity by Contributing to the Advancement and Progress of Society

  • We contribute to the progress of society with a strong intention to create and develop markets and transparency in expanding businesses.

  • We define our partners as a group of people whom we can trust. This group includes our employees, clients and business partners.

  • Our employees possess richness of spirit, advanced problem-solving skills and a high level of professionalism. They pursue richness of spirit through the exchange of values with our clients.


Management Policy

「Global leadership、Business model、Ownership model」

  • A company that leads Japan with its high aspirations and presents new values to the world.

  • A company with outstanding potential and a 30-year growth trajectory that is highly acclaimed by professional global investors.

  • A company that can achieve phenomenal growth through delegation and instilling a sense of ownership to younger partners who seek new challenges.


Company Motto

Adapt to the changing times; establish our raison d'etre; pursue conditions for profit generation and fulfill responsibility to shareholders.

Adapt to the changing times

  • Progressiveness: Work to secure the technological advantage of products
  • Flexibility: Conduct proposal activities speedily in accord with a growing market

Establish our raison d'etre

  • Uniqueness: Endeavor to establish our raison d'etre through the customer-centric services.

  • Profitability: Establish a commanding position in the industry that overwhelms competitors through the pursuit of profitability improvements.

  • Individualism and Education: Be the role model on all aspects of performance, attitude and mindset by striving to be a self-perfecting businessperson.

Pursue conditions for profit generation

  • Sociability: Continue to aggressively enter under-penetrated markets by offering a diverse range of payment methods and only engaging in sound businesses.

  • Rationality: Reach management decisions promptly from a position of fairness while always keeping economic rationality in perspective.

Fulfill responsibility to shareholders

  • Strive to improve shareholder value and be conscious of capital efficiency. Aggressively conduct investor relations (IR) activities and provide timely and appropriate information to shareholders.

Business Principles

A collection of the 11 most important mindsets and actions that will promote the success of the BtoB business model of the GMO-PG consolidated companies. These principles are based on the "GMO-ism"mindset.


GMO-ism refers to GMO Internet Group, Inc.'s collective corporate motto consisting of "Venture Spirit Declaration," "55-Year Plan," in addition to the "Rules for Senior Manager" and "Laws of Winning."