PG Multi-Payment Service

Payment via Payment Slip

▼ What is Payment via Payment Slip?
It is payment payment method that you can get at convenience stores nationwide, Japan Post Bank and post offices with the payment slip printed and issued by the member store.
It can be used for transactions (BtoB, etc.) that do not have a credit card and require invoice.

Benefits of Payment via Payment Slip

  • payment method for a wide range of customers
    It can also be used for BtoB transactions and customers who do not have a credit card.
  • payment can be made at major convenience stores, Japan Post Bank, and post offices nationwide.
    It is compatible with major convenience stores, Japan Post Bank, and post offices nationwide, and purchasers can payment
  • ・ You can freely customize the creation, printing, and shipping of payment slips.
    It is possible to connect with a printing company with whom you have a relationship. * Please share the printing company.

Payment via Payment Slip operation flow

  • Purchase information, payment number, payment completion notification… Purchase information, payment number, payment completion notification
  • payment…payment
Payment via Payment Slip operation flow
  1. Purchase
  2. Billing data * Print and issue payment slip
  3. payment
  4. payment completion notification
  1. payment completion notification
  2. Service delivery
  3. Deposit sales
  4. Deposit sales

Precautions for Payment via Payment Slip

  • 1. There is a limit to the amount of payment can be used
  • payment amount that can be settled depends on the convenience store.
  • Seven-Eleven: "200 yen to 299,999 yen" (total of usage amount + tax shipping fee)
  • Other convenience stores: "1 yen to 299,999 yen" (total usage amount + tax shipping fee)
  • 2. Receipts cannot be issued at convenience stores
  • A "customer copy" will be issued payment fee at the cash register at the convenience store. This "customer copy" will be your receipt.
  • In addition, your payment at a convenience store that had just, and to issue a separate receipt, "your copy" address of (name of your buyer will be displayed) it can not be made, such as rewriting of. If the end user wishes to issue a receipt, please contact the end user and the member store and respond individually.
  • 3. Printing and shipping of payment slips
  • PG will not print or ship the payment slip on your behalf.
  • It is possible to perform only the confirmation work of the first print.
  • 4. Regarding the sales deposit date
  • It supports Early Payment Service
  • payment processing is performed, the processing result to the PG has been cooperation (about 2 business days) payment amount will be credited subject.