Financial and payment system developer BUFFORT Inc. acquired and joins GMO-PG consolidated companies 金融・決済領域のシステム開発会社ビュフォートをグループ化




GMOインターネットグループにおいて、総合的な決済関連サービス及び金融関連サービスを展開するGMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社(東証一部:証券コード 3769、代表取締役社長:相浦 一成 以下、GMO-PG)は、本日2021年4月1日(木)、金融・決済領域のシステム開発に強みを持つ株式会社ビュフォート(代表取締役社長:秋山 弘幸 以下、ビュフォート)の発行済み株式を全数取得し、グループ化いたしました。







商号 株式会社ビュフォート(英語表記:BUFFORT Inc.)
所在地 東京都品川区西五反田2-24-4 WEST HILL 5F
代表者の役職・氏名 代表取締役社長 秋山 弘幸
事業内容 ■決済システム業務コンサルティング
資本金 30百万円
設立年月日 2010年9月13日



企業価値創造戦略 統括本部 広報・UX部
グループコミュニケーション部 広報担当 長井

【GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社】(URL: https://www.gmo-pg.com/

会社名 GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社 (東証第一部 証券コード:3769)
所在地 東京都渋谷区道玄坂1丁目2番3号 渋谷フクラス
代表者 代表取締役社長 相浦 一成
事業内容 ■総合的な決済関連サービス及び金融関連サービス
資本金 49億87百万円(2020年12月末現在)

【GMOインターネット株式会社】(URL: https://www.gmo.jp/

会社名 GMOインターネット株式会社(東証第一部 証券コード:9449)
所在地 東京都渋谷区桜丘町26番1号 セルリアンタワー
代表者 代表取締役会長兼社長・グループ代表 熊谷 正寿
事業内容 ■インターネットインフラ事業
資本金 50億円

April 1, 2021

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (GMO-PG) of the GMO Internet Group, which develops comprehensive payment-related services and financial services, has acquired all the outstanding shares of BUFFORT Inc. (Buffort) on April 1, 2021.
GMO-PG aims to resolve social issues and create value for customers as well as continue its "Operating Profit growth of over 25% every year" by expanding the payment services through further enhancement of system development capability together with Buffort.

Financial and payment system developer BUFFORT Inc. acquired and joins GMO-PG consolidated companies

【Background and Outline】

The need to secure IT talent is growing in importance in Japan in order to bring out further advancement and diversity through IT deployment as well as contribute to productivity improvements through innovative efficiencies and value creation.(*)
GMO-PG is also focused on recruitment and talent development of engineers and to strengthen its technology and development capability, which is a key part of enhancing system development human talent in the areas of DX, FinTech and Cashless. This is critical for GMO-PG to achieve the target of "Operating Profit growth of over 25% every year" and to support the customer's growth through payment and financial services.
Buffort's expertise is system development in financial and payment areas, with a track record of developing network architecture and systems for credit card companies affiliated to retail companies, core payment systems for credit cards, renewals of website for card-members and various other projects in these areas. GMO-PG has been working collaboratively with Buffort in developing new services for few years and has high acclaim of Buffort's system development capability.
Given this background, GMO-PG has acquired and incorporated Buffort into the Group, to further enhance the system development capability in order to realize sustainable growth by leveraging Buffrort's vast track record and expertise in system development in financial and payment areas.



Buffort develops payment systems by leveraging its know-how and cutting-edge technology in financial and payment areas. The track record in developing and renewing enterprise systems includes network systems for credit card companies, core payment systems and various systems developments for both credit card and non-credit card transactions.

Name of Company BUFFORT Inc.
Location West Hill 5F, 2-24-4 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0031
Representative Hiroyuki Akiyama, CEO
Business Description ■Payment system consulting
■Payment system development consulting
■FinTech system development
Capital 30 Million Yen
Established September 13, 2010

【GMO Payment Gateway】

GMO-PG provides comprehensive payment-related and financial services to over 150,000 merchants including online operators, NHK, National Tax Agency and, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government GMO-PG's annual transaction value exceeds ¥6.4 trillion (GMO-PG consolidated companies total, as of end-December, 2020) mainly from providing payment processing services, in addition to value-added services to contribute to the merchant's growth and payment methods and funding that utilize financial technology.
As the leading companies in the payment industry, GMO-PG provides payment infrastructure such as payment and financial solutions and platforms to financial institutions and business operators that are adopting cashless payment and digital transformation (DX). GMO-PG is also pursuing global expansion through strategic lending and investment and payment-related services to overseas operators.
GMO-PG aims to build out the payment infrastructure that is secure and convenient by driving further innovation.

(In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the English version, the Japanese version shall prevail.)

【Press Inquiries】
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
Corporate Value Creation Strategy Division
Public Relations/UX Design Department
Media Inquiry Form (Japanese Only)
GMO Internet, Inc.
Group Communication Department
Group Investor/Public Relations Team