Learn from examples of breaking through the barriers of EC management !! EC operator limited seminar

Learn from examples of breaking through the barriers of EC management !! EC operator limited seminar

Explanation of the seminar

Aratana Inc., Lockon Co., Ltd., GMO Payment Gateway introduces a method to break through the barriers to EC operation from various perspectives, focusing on payment
As a guest, we will call Aratana Client Hertz Co., Ltd. as an EC site operator and talk about how we got over the wall.

* Registration is closed.

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Seminar outline

Seminar Name

Learn from examples of breaking through the barriers of EC management !! EC operator limited seminar

Date and time

May 22, 2013 (Wednesday) 14: 00- (Reception starts from 13: 30-)


1-14-6 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Humax Shibuya Building 7F (Map)
* Access: 5 minutes walk from Shibuya station

Seats Available

40 people
* The deadline will be as soon as the capacity is reached.
[Target] EC site operator


* Pre-registration required


You will receive two business cards at the reception.
We will shoot with a camera so that the faces of the participants are not reflected from the back of the venue.
In addition, we plan to use some of the photographs taken as seminar report materials at a later date.


time Description

Basics of account design and operation of Listing ad", the standard for attracting customers


Condensed hints that can be imitated immediately! What are the success initiatives I heard from sales-increasing sites?


10 minutes break


"Secrets of successful stores" found from the construction of 600 sites


Talk session-The person in charge of the operation of the popular handmade leather bag specialty online shop "Hertz" and the construction professionals talk about the behind-the-scenes and future of the operation!


Free consultation (about 30 minutes)

Introduction of each company

HERTZ Co., Ltd.

HERZ is a Japanese handmade leather bag studio with studios and directly managed stores in Shibuya, Hakata, and Osaka. From leather cutting to sewing, we make each and every one by our own hands. I have been sticking to the true made in japan (made in Japan) for over 30 years. The fun of spending time with a leather bag. joy. I am telling you that.

Aratana Inc.

We customize the EC open source "EC-CUBE" and build a site to provide services to more than 500 customers nationwide, and have the Actual In addition to building an EC site, we also provide support for the entire EC business, such as shooting products and acting on behalf of management.

Lockon Co., Ltd.

EC-CUBEの開発元として、導入実績5500社以上の広告効果測定ツール「アドエビス」や、第3世代リスティング広告マネージメント「THREe」の提供を通して、運営者様の売上アップの支援活動をしております。 PDCAサイクルを回す仕組みを、自社開発製品のみでご提供できることが強みです。

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

GMO Payment Gateway (GMO-PG) is a non-face-to-face sales type business such as content developed on online shops, SNS and smartphones, a monthly charge type business such as NHK, and the Japan Pension Service and Tokyo Metropolitan Government. We provide payment processing services including credit cards to more than 40,000 member stores (GMO Payment Gateway Group as of December 2012) such as public entity.
We aim to realize payment, which is safe and convenient for consumers and businesses, and to become the infrastructure of the payment process in Japan. payment As a leading company in the industry, we will lead innovation and contribute to the improvement of EC ratio in Japan.