
iPhone Touch payment Merchants Launched with "stera tap"
Easy, secure, and privacy-free contactless payment handling with a single iPhone
Tap to Pay on iPhone is now enabled on stera tap
Easy, secure contactless payment handling with a single iPhone.

May 16, 2024

GMO Financial Gate, Inc.
Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited
Soft Space

GMO Financial Gate, Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President & Chief Executive Officer: Kentaro Sugiyama, hereinafter referred to as GMO-FG), Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, President: Yukihiko Onishi, hereinafter referred to as Sumitomo Mitsui Card), SMBC GMO PAYMENT (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, President: Yasutaka Tanaka, hereinafter referred to as SGP) and payment in Asia Soft Space (Headquarters: Kuala Lumpur, CEO: Joel Tay, hereinafter referred to as "Soft Space"), a Malaysian fintech company that provides services, will start offering "stera tap" to merchants for iPhone touch payment that can handle contactless payment. This makes contactless payment handling an easy, secure, and privacy-preserving experience with a single iPhone.

On May 16, 2024, GMO-FG, Sumitomo Mitsui Card, SGP and Soft Space will begin accepting seamless, secure, face-to-face contactless payment via iPhone touch payment for merchants in Japan. iPhone Touch payment is a touch payment that includes contactless credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, and other digital wallets, and the iPhone and stera tap iOS apps *1 It is only accepted to use the solution. No additional hardware or payment devices are required. At checkout, merchants can securely payment using NFC technology by prompting customers to pay with Apple Pay using their iPhone or Apple Watch, contactless credit or debit cards, or other digital wallets. Touch payment on iPhone uses the built-in features of iPhone to help keep business and customer data safe. When payment is processed, Apple does not store the card number on the device or on Apple's servers.

Although the spread of cashless payment is expanding in Japan, the penetration rate of cashless payment to small and medium-sized businesses called SMEs is only about 60%. The challenge here is said to be the time and cost of introducing payment terminals.

iPhone Touch payment is a payment solution that allows you to start using it with a simple application and setup without incurring the cost of installing a device. Instead of purchasing a dedicated payment device as in the past, you can quickly turn your iPhone into a touch-payment device by installing a dedicated app on your iPhone and introduce cashless payment. You can use "stera tap" by downloading the "stera tap" iOS app and contract with SGP. Merchants can accept contactless payment using the iPhone *2 and stera tap iOS apps. Sumitomo Mitsui Card and SGP offer stera tap at the industry's lowest level of 2.70% ~ in order to provide businesses that support businesses in the city, mainly small and medium-sized businesses, with a fee that makes it easy to introduce Credit card payment, and until November 30, 2024, Visa and Mastercard® payment We are running a cashback campaign *3 in which the commission is 1.98% in real terms. In addition, you can use Visa and Mastercard Touch payment transactions in as little as 15 minutes from the time of application.

  • *1 The "stera tap" iOS app is provided by GMO-FG.
  • *2 Requires an iPhone XS or later device and the latest version of iOS.
  • *3 After paying a payment fee (2.70%) for Visa and Mastercard sales, we will return 0.72% of the sales at a later date. In addition, the maximum amount of cashback will be 100,000 yen within the period. If the amount equivalent to 0.72% of sales exceeds 100,000 yen, the payment fee will not be "1.98% in real terms".
[Details of each company]
For more information, please see the link below.
About GMO-FG
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About Sumitomo Mitsui Card
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About SGP
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About Soft Space
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[Press Inquiries]
GMO-FG: Corporate Planning Department, Corporate Support Division
Sumitomo Mitsui Card: Public Relations Office, Corporate Planning Department
Soft Space: Head of Corporate Communications

[GMO Financial Gate, Inc.] (URL:

Corporate Name GMO Financial Gate, Inc. (TSE Growth Market Securities Code: 4051)
Location 1-14-6 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Humax Shibuya Building 6F
Representative President & Chief Executive Officer Kentaro Sugiyama
Business Description payment processing services business for credit, debit, China UnionPay cards, etc.
Capital 1,638 million yen

May 16, 2024


GMO Financial Gate, Inc.
Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd.
Soft Space

GMO Financial Gate, Inc. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Kentaro Sugiyama; hereafter 'GMO-FG'), Sumitomo Mitsui Card Company, Limited (Head office: Koto-ku, Tokyo; President: Yukihiko Onishi; hereafter 'SMCC'), SMBC GMO PAYMENT Inc. (Head office: Koto-ku, Tokyo; President: Yasushi Tanaka; hereafter: SGP) and Soft Space (Head office: Kuala Lumpur; CEO: Joel Tay; hereafter: Soft Space), a Malaysian fintech company providing payment services in Asia, have enabled Tap to Pay on iPhone for "stera tap", which enables merchants to handle contactless payments. This enables contactless payments to be handled by a single iPhone in a simple and secure way.

On May 16, 2024, GMO-FG, SMCC, SGP and Soft Space now enables seamless, secure, in-person contactless payments with Tap to Pay on iPhone for merchants in Japan. iPhone contactless payment is a solution for accepting contactless credit and debit cards, Apple Pay and other digital wallets, using only the iPhone and the 'stera tap' iOS app 1. No additional hardware or payment terminals are required.

At checkout, merchants will simply prompt the customer to hold their contactless payment near the merchant's iPhone, and the payment will be securely completed using NFC technology. Apple's Tap to Pay on iPhone technology uses the built-in features of iPhone to keep the business and customer data private and secure. When a payment is processed, Apple doesn't store card numbers or transaction information on the device or on Apple servers.

Contactless payments are expanding in Japan, with the acceptance rate among small and medium-sized businesses, known as SMEs, around 60%. The challenge for SMEs to accept contactless payments has been the hassle and cost of installing payment terminals.

Apple's Tap to Pay on iPhone with the stera tap app is a revolutionary service that allows a merchant's iPhone to be used as a payment terminal, without the need to purchase a separate payment device and with easy application and set up. Tap to Pay on iPhone is available for merchants on the stera tap iOS app.

Merchants can accept contactless payments using an iPhone 2 and the 'stera tap' iOS app after downloading and signing up with SGP. SMCC and SGP are offering 'stera tap' at the industry's lowest rate of 2.70% and above, in order to make credit card payments easy to introduce for small and medium-sized local businesses. The cash-back campaign 3 is valid until November 30th 2024, during which Visa and Mastercard® payment fees are further reduced to 1.98% after cashback. In addition, merchants can immediately start accepting Visa and Mastercard contactless payment transactions in as little as 15 minutes after submitting their application on the app itself.

  • 1 The 'stera tap' iOS application is provided by GMO-FG.
  • 2 Requires an iPhone XS or later device and the latest version of iOS.
  • 3 After settlement (2.70%) for Visa and Mastercard transactions, 0.72% of the relevant transactions will be refunded at a later date. The maximum amount of cash back is 100,000 yen within the period. If the amount equivalent to 0.72% of sales exceeds JPY 100,000, the settlement fee will not be '1.98% in effect.
【Corporate Website】
For further information, refer [URL] below.
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Soft Space
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【Media Contact】
GMO-FG:Corporate Planning Department
SMCC:Corporate Strategy and Public Relations
Soft Space: Head of Corporate Communications
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