"Great Place to Work Certification" for the ninth consecutive time with "Great Place to Work" certification Elected to「働きがいのある会社」認定で9回連続「働きがい認定企業」に選出

July 5, 2023

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

Develop comprehensive payment-related services and finance-related services within the GMO Internet GroupGMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (TSE Prime Market: Securities Code: 3769, President & Chief Executive Officer:Issei Ainoura GMO-PG) Great Place to Work® Institute Japan (hereinafter referred to as "GPTW Japan") will conduct " In the Great Place to Work" certification, "Great Place to Work Certification" (*1) This is the ninth consecutive election.
This ninth consecutive election was based on GMO-PG's idea of "People Determine the Company" and "25% sales profit growthand for medium- to long-term sustainable development in the future, we believe that this is the result of our shared vision, attitude, and actions among all partners (employees) and continuous efforts to develop our own human resource development system and welfare programs. GMO-PG will continue to strive to Great Place to Work and provide safe and secure services to our customers.

"Great Place to Work Certification" for the ninth consecutive time with "Great Place to Work" certification Elected to

【Election of "Great Place to Work Certification"】

Great Place to Work® defines "Great Place to Work" as "a company where there is 'trust' between management and employees, and each person's abilities are maximized." Companies whose survey results on job satisfaction have exceeded a certain level are announced as "Great Place to Work Certification." GMO-PG announced in July 2023 that GPTW Japan will conduct "Great Place to Work" certification Great Place to Work CertificationThis will be the ninth consecutive Great Place to Work Certification election.
In this year's selection, the items related to "trust in the company" such as "entrusted with responsible work" and "pride" in the partner's own work, such as "contributing to the community and society" were particularly high.

[System that supports "motivation" and partners at GMO Payment Gateway]

■Business and personal growth lead to job satisfaction
GMO-PG has set a goal of "continuing operating profit growth of 25%" and has achieved 17 consecutive years of increased sales and profits and dividends since its listing in 2005. One of the sources of business growth is the growth of each partner, and we have achieved sustainable growth by conducting business activities in the same direction based on the concept of "all presidents."
Because we are a leading company in the payment industry, we have been able to realize Credit card payment through NHK and CtoC services, and through paperless operations, etc. Decarbonization support, financeThere are many opportunities to be involved in challenging projects and work that are industry-first or have a social impact, such as investing in and lending to Fintech companies that promote inclusion. We believe that being able to contribute to society through our business and receiving happy voices from our customers leads to job satisfaction for our partners.

■A culture and system based on "People Determine the Company"
In order to achieve sustainable growth, based on the corporate culture of "People determine the company is the people," we are working to recruit, train, and enhance job satisfaction of excellent human resources with a company-wide attitude. The average age is about 35 years old, and the ratio of women is about 30.6% (*2), and we are conducting personnel personnel according to their abilities, such as selecting young people to important positions and actively appointing women to managerial positions.
In addition, in addition to providing a "filial piety allowance" based on the desire to cherish a "heart of gratitude," we have established systems and training opportunities such as the "Career Design System" that conducts questionnaires and interviews about career plans, and the "One-on-One Training" that allows new graduates to experience major departments and apply for assignments. Through GMO-PG's unique systems and human resource development, we support their growth as "people" and create an organization that moves forward together.
In addition, we are focusing on efforts to maintain and improve the health of our partners. Under the GMO-PG health declaration "Well-being With Partners" "Well-being with Partners", we support our partners' healthy and active lives with a wide range of welfare programs of food, healing, leaping, and medicine, such as providing health-conscious lunches and drinks supervised by registered dietitians at GMO Yours, a synergy café operated by the GMO Internet Group. In recognition of this initiative, GMO-PG was certified by the Ministry of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Kenko Kaigi in March 2023 as a "2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category)." (*3).

  • *2 As of the end of September 2022. The average age is non-consolidated, and the ratio of women is a consolidated figure.
  • *3 For details of the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category), please refer to the Portal Site of the Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Certification Secretariat.
    URL: https://kenko-keiei.jp/

【GMO Payment Gateway】

We provide payment-based services that support online, cashless, DX, etc. The annual Transaction value exceeds 13 trillion yen, and Online Payment Service EC operators, NHK, It has been introduced to more than 150,000 merchants, including National Tax Agency public entity.
As a leading company in the payment industry, we payment in the Online Payment Service and face-to-face areasServices, buy now pay later, BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later), BaaS Support to financial institution and operating companiesWe will lead social innovation with payment and finance technologies, such as strategic investment and financing of cutting-edge FinTech companies overseas, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the progress and development of society. (Consolidated figures as of the end of March 2023)

【GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.】

GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. provides payment-related services that support the customer's online and cashless migration and digital transformation (DX). Annual transaction value exceeds ¥13 trillion and our online comprehensive payment services have been adopted by over 150,000 merchants such as EC operators and public institutions of NHK and National Tax Agency, etc.
As the leading company in the payment industry, we contribute to the advancement and realization of a sustainable society by driving social innovations using payment and financial technology through our services, such as online comprehensive payment service, payment services in the offline market, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), BaaS Support services to financial institutions and enterprises and strategic investment and lending to overseas leading-edge FinTech companies. (As of end-March 2023, consolidated figures)

[Press Inquiries]
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.
Corporate Value Creation Strategy Division Public Relations/UX Design Department
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GMO Internet Group, Inc.
Group Communication Department Public Relations Officer Yamazaki

[GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.] (URL: https://www.gmo-pg.com/)

Corporate Name GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (TSE Prime Market Securities Code: 3769)
Location 1-2-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Shibuya Fukurasu
Representative President & Chief Executive Officer Issei Ainoura
Business Description ■ Comprehensive payment related services and finance related services
Capital 13,323 million yen

【GMO Internet Group Inc.】 (URL: https://www.gmo.jp/

Corporate Name GMO Internet Group, Inc. (TSE Prime Market, securities code: 9449)
Location Cerulean Tower 26-1, Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative Representative Director and Group Representative Masatoshi Kumagai
Business Description ■ Internet infrastructure business
■ Internet advertising / media business
■ Internet finance business
■ Cryptographic assets business
Capital 5 billion yen