Innovative Credit Cards Issuing System to be Launched in October 2023 革新的なクレジットカード発行システムを2023年10月より提供開始




ヒョンデカード株式会社(Vice Chairman & CEO:Ted Chung 以下、HCC)、バンクウェアグローバル株式会社(Co-CEO:Kyungjo Lee、Co-CEO:Eunjoong Lee 以下、BwG)、株式会社エクサ(代表取締役 社長執行役員:千田 朋介 以下、エクサ)、GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社(東証プライム:証券コード 3769、代表取締役社長:相浦 一成 以下、GMO-PG)の4社は、韓国国内において提携カード発行数No.1(※1)のHCCが提供するクレジット基幹プラットフォーム「H-ALIS(Hyundai Advanced Library Card Information System)」の日本国内での展開において、協業することを合意しました。日本国内向けにローカライズした「H-ALIS」を、GMO-PGが提供する銀行・カード会社など金融機関のBaaS(Banking as a Service)(※2)を支援する「GMO-PG プロセシングプラットフォーム」の「クレジットカードイシュイングサポート」として、2023年10月より提供する予定です。

  • (※1)韓国でPLCC(Private Label Credit Card)発行数No.1。HCC調べ、2021年8月時点。
  • (※2)金融ライセンスを持つ機関が金融機能をサービス(API)として提供すること。



日本国内での展開は、GMO-PGが提供する銀行・カード会社など金融機関のBaaSを支援する「GMO-PG プロセシングプラットフォーム」の「クレジットカードイシュイングサポート」として行い、料金体系を月額固定料金とすることでコストを低廉化します。また、PCI DSS(※6)はGMO-PGにて完全準拠し、データセンターやシステム運用要員もGMO-PGが準備するため、クレジットカードを新たに発行する事業者の負担を大幅に軽減します。さらに、拡張性のあるAPI基盤により、FinTech事業者との連携や、カード会員への様々な付加価値やサービスの提供を容易に実現することが可能となります。

  • (※3)一般社団法人キャッシュレス推進協議会「キャッシュレス・ロードマップ 2022」(2022年8月3日発表)
  • (※4)カード発行会社が独自に発行しているクレジットカードのこと。
  • (※5)財務総合政策研究所「「デジタル時代のイノベーションに関する研究会」報告書 第9章 韓国の動き」(2019年6月発表)
  • (※6)クレジット業界におけるグローバルセキュリティ基準のこと。



  • (※7)「Front End Processor」の略。カード会社が外部ネットワークの接続に際し必要となるシステム。


「H-ALIS」はHCCが韓国で提供するクレジット基幹プラットフォームです。日本国内向けには、日本語対応、支払方法やクレジットネットワーク、法規制といった日本固有の特性に合わせたローカライズを行っています。柔軟性・高い拡張性が特徴のパッケージソフトウェアのため、クレジットカード発行業務の運用効率化が可能です。日本国内の金融機関・金融サービスを展開する事業者には、GMO-PGが提供する銀行・カード会社など金融機関のBaaSを支援する「GMO-PG プロセシングプラットフォーム」の「クレジットカードイシュイングサポート」として提供します。



ヒョンデ自動車グループの金融部門であるヒョンデカードは、カード会員のライフスタイルに最適化された幅広い商品で、韓国のクレジットカード業界をリードしています。PLCC(Private Label Credit Card)とデータサイエンスを活用し個人向けにカスタマイズしたカード特典の提供による圧倒的な成長により、2021年に会員数1,000万人を達成し、従来の伝統的な金融会社からAIとデータサイエンスを得意とする金融テクノロジー企業へと変貌を遂げています。



  • (※8)2022年9月28日時点



  • (※9)2022年9月28日時点



企業価値創造戦略 統括本部 広報・UX部
グループコミュニケーション部 広報担当 寺山

【ヒョンデカード株式会社】(URL: https://www.hyundaicard.com/index.jsp

会社名 ヒョンデカード株式会社
所在地 韓国ソウル市永登浦区
代表者 Vice Chairman & CEO Ted Chung
事業内容 ■金融
資本金 8,023億ウォン

【バンクウェアグローバル株式会社】(URL: https://www.bankwareglobal.com/

会社名 バンクウェアグローバル株式会社
所在地 韓国ソウル市中区統一路86 3階(巡和洞、バビエンビル)
代表者 Co-CEO Kyungjo Lee
Co-CEO Eunjoong Lee
事業内容 ■金融ソフトウェア開発、供給、構築及びメンテナンス
資本金 11.2億ウォン

【株式会社エクサ】(URL: https://www.exa-corp.co.jp/

会社名 株式会社エクサ
所在地 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい4-4-5  横浜アイマークプレイス2階
代表者 代表取締役 社長執行役員 千田 朋介
事業内容 ■業務改善、構想策定等のシステム全般に関するコンサルティング
資本金 12億50百万円

【GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社】(URL: https://www.gmo-pg.com/

会社名 GMOペイメントゲートウェイ株式会社 (東証プライム 証券コード:3769)
所在地 東京都渋谷区道玄坂1丁目2番3号 渋谷フクラス
代表者 代表取締役社長 相浦 一成
事業内容 ■総合的な決済関連サービス及び金融関連サービス
資本金 133億23百万円

【GMOインターネットグループ株式会社】(URL: https://www.gmo.jp/

会社名 GMOインターネットグループ株式会社 (東証プライム 証券コード:9449)
所在地 東京都渋谷区桜丘町26番1号 セルリアンタワー
代表者 代表取締役グループ代表 熊谷 正寿
事業内容 ■インターネットインフラ事業
資本金 50億円

September 28, 2022

Hyundai Card Co., Ltd.
Bankware Global Co., Ltd.
GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.

The four companies of Hyundai Card Co., Ltd. (Vice Chairman & CEO Ted Chung , "HCC"), Bankware Global Co., Ltd. (Co-CEO Kyungjo Lee and Co-CEO Eunjoong Lee, "BwG"), EXA CORPORATION President & Chief Executive Officer Tomosuke Senta, "EXA") and GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. (President & Chief Executive Officer Issei Ainoura, "GMO-PG") have agreed to collaborate to launch H-ALIS (Hyundai Advanced Library Card Information System) in Japan, the credit card core platform provided by HCC, the No.1 company (※1) in the number of PLCC (Private Label Credit Card) issued in South Korea. H-ALIS will be localized for the Japanese market and offered by GMO-PG as "Credit Card Issuing Support" of the "GMO-PG Processing Platform" service from October 2023, as part of its BaaS (Banking as a Service) (※2) to financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies.
H-ALIS is a package software with a notable track record, that enables credit card issuing by setting parameters and default templates that does not require any programming work. Therefore, this system makes it possible for Japan's financial institutions and financial service operators to issue credit cards swiftly and to reduce the development cost.

  • (※1)Survey results as of Aug. 2021 by HCC.
  • (※2)Refers to organizations that are financial license holders to provide financial functionality (APIs) as a service to financial institutions.

Innovative Credit Cards Issuing System to be Launched in October 2023

【Background and Overview】

Japan's cashless penetration rate as of 2021 stands at 32.5%. Japan's government is aiming to raise this to the global standard of 80% in the future through initiatives that promote cashless payments.(※3) In particular, payment using credit cards are widespread, accounting for 85.3%(※3) of the value of cashless payments, leading to rising need by operators to swiftly issue various types of credit cards such as proper cards(※4), affiliated cards as well as virtual cards, etc. going forward.
Given this backdrop, the four companies of HCC, BwG, EXA and GMO-PG will provide Japan-localized H-ALIS as an ASP service, the credit card core platform provided by HCC, the No. 1 company in issuing affiliated cards in South Korea, a country known for its advanced credit card usage with a credit card payment ratio of 75.4% (as of 2017) of private consumption.(※5)
The launch in Japan will be carried out by GMO-PG as "Credit Card Issuing Support" of the "GMO-PG Processing Platform" service, which is a BaaS support service for financial institutions such as banks and credit card companies. This service will be provided for a monthly fixed rate to keep cost levels low for customers. In addition, work burden of credit card issuing can be significantly reduced for financial institutions and financial service operators that implement this service, as GMO-PG will ensure that the system is fully compliant with PCI DSS(※6) as well as secure the data center and system operation personnel. Furthermore, the scalable API core system will enable adding on various value-added services to cardholders and linkages to external FinTech service providers.

  • (※3)Payments Japan Association's "Cashless Roadmap 2022" (announced on August 3, 2022).
  • (※4)Independently by the card issuer refers to the issued credit card.
  • (※5)Reference to Ministry of Finance's report on the study group on innovation in the digital age, Chapter 9 on South Korea (announced on June 2019).
  • (※6)Refers to the global security standards applied to the credit card industry.

【Collaboration between the Four Companies】

South Korea's HCC holds the patents for H-ALIS, the credit card core platform, and will provide the license for H-ALIS to GMO-PG. BwG will be responsible for customization and system maintenance as the marketer of H-ALIS' applications. EXA will provide customization to fit the diverse needs and specifications of customers, onboarding and operational integration services by leveraging its 35-year track record in development and systems operations and its leadership role in localizing H-ALIS for the Japanese market. GMO-PG will offer the Japan-localized H-ALIS as an ASP service by carrying out the sales activities, development and FEP in the Japanese market(※7).

  • (※7)FEP stands for Front End Processor and refers to the system required for a credit card company to connect/access an external network.

【Japan Launch of H-ALIS】

H-ALIS is a core platform for credit cards provided by HCC in South Korea. Localization is being carried out to align H-ALIS for the Japanese market such as Japanese language, payment methods, credit card networks and laws and regulations. H-ALIS is a package software characterized by its flexibility and high scalability, enabling efficient credit card issuing operations. GMO-PG will offer this system as the "Credit Card Issuing Support" of "GMO-PG Processing Platform" service, as part of its BaaS support provided to financial institutions and financial service operators.

■ Low-cost and swift credit card issuing
Credit cards can be issued swiftly by using the default templates and setting the parameters, thereby reducing the development cost and labor cost as well as shorten the lead time for issuing to around one week compared to the conventional several months.
■ Smooth system linkage by leveraging API base
Scalability of the API base enables easy linkages with external service providers such as credit information organizations and printing companies.
■ Rapid upgrading/improvement of functions
The system uses the widely adopted Java script which enables rapid functional upgrades and improvements even after implementation.

【Hyundai Card Co., Ltd.】

Hyundai Card, a financial arm of Hyundai Motor Group, has been leading Korea's credit card industry with a wide range of products optimized for the lifestyles of its card holders. In 2021, Hyundai Card reached 10 million members thanks to the overwhelming growth of its' PLCCs (Private Label Credit Card) and custom card benefits established by utilizing data science . Initially a traditional finance company, Hyundai Card has transformed into a financial technology company excelling in AI and data science.

【Bankware Global Co., Ltd.】

Bankware Global was established in October 2010 as a financial software company of South Korea that develops and provides next generation core-system software systems such as core banking, credit card core and installment lease finance to banks and financial companies. Bankware Global services over 100 corporate customers in 6 countries(※8) that are leading bank and financial institutions in Asia. In Japan, the subsidiary Bankware Japan offers software marketing for credit card and banking systems, system architecture and maintenance business.

  • (※8)As of September 28, 2022.


EXA CORPORATION promotes DX by leveraging cutting edge technology and comprehensively offers various upstream services ranging from consulting to development, operation and maintenance services.
In particular, EXA has been involved in building out the payment systems for over 40 companies(※9) over its 35-year track record in the payment industry and contributes to corporate digital innovation through services and system development capability that integrates abundant operation expertise and cutting edge technology.

  • (※9)As of September 28, 2022.

【GMO Payment Gateway, Inc.】

GMO-PG offers comprehensive payment-related services and financial-related services to over 100,000 merchants such as online operators including internet shops and public sector organizations such as NHK, National Tax Agency and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The annual transaction value exceeds \10 trillion (as of end of June 2022, consolidated basis) by primarily focusing on payment services such as value-added services that contribute to the merchant's growth, payment methods that utilize financial technology and service that respond to funding needs.
As the leading company in the payment industry, GMO-PG offers payment, financial-related solutions and platforms and builds payment infrastructure for business operators and financial institutions that are pursuing cashless adoption and DX. In addition, GMO-PG is also expanding globally by deploying payment-related services and through loans and equity investments into overseas cutting-edge FinTech companies. GMO-PG is committed to drive innovation to realize a sustainable society and to contribute to the advancement of society.